(Still, he doesn't want to let Greg keep mistreating Mary Jane and he feels like he should do something but she wanted him to stay out of it and he has to.). "No." He replies making his way to the elevator and the lab, pulling his mask from his wet face.~~~"Mr. Stark, Mr. Parker is here." Peter Parker has always had bad luck. thought an also crying Silver. asked a laughing Pietro. Oblivious Jam Session - A combination of the team and secret lip-singing. Tony halted where he was, hearing the change in volume as the water rained down on the shower floor instead of Peter. Part 2: Peter's mental health is (obviously) just going downhill. 'You would've made an excellent prince.' (An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island)/Gallery, Super Smash Strongest Battle: Special Edition. Eventually, he is left with no choice other than to let them help him. Hes spent the last seven years in foster care wishing nothing more than to find a forever family. He asked, his breath knocked away. Takes Place After Homecoming.). The boy told Peter he'd noticed his obsession with him and that he wanted to be a couple and get to know Peter. ""N-no, I'll get him." A few of her most 'endearing' qualities was her homophobia, closeted racism and God-complex. A second I remember is when Cap walks into a stairwell to find someone trying to rape a drugged or drunk Tony and punhes them hard. Peter thought nothing of it. All of you are ungrateful for the heroic things he's done and how nice he is to you." The Life Of A Girl Who Lives With The Avengers Spoilers for Civil War and major spoilers for Spider-Man: Homecoming. Okay, so this is just a book of MCU (mostly Peter Parker centric) one shots with tropes you've read a thousand times. Your homeroom couldnt be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the Avengers. Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join. They'd been best friends since 2nd grade. Little did he know jumping in and trying to save the kid would change his life forever. asked a confused Pepper. The girls wished they can talk with him again. Peter Parker took a step forward, it was not his first step nor his last step on his journey, but it was one more step.. Please.." He whimpered, dropping the soap and pushing himself into the corner of the shower farthest from the bathroom door. "Peter, I'm sensing distress. Peter: Oh my gosh, why. Popular: 'The Thing About Falling in Love', 'Of Drugs and Cuts', 'Thanks to a Cheater' Add to library 10,328 Discussion 2,825. However, when your perspective changes, you might know him by a different name. Will desperation cause the Avengers to call upon the assistance of former HYDRA scientist, Dr. Eve Meldon? *Cliche Peter Parker is abused/homeless fic and Tony Stark/Steve Rogers save the day*Peter was your average 16-year-old genius. However I discovered Mixed Feelings, a fanfic for the web serial Worm that has totally changed my mind about all this. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. His breath was gone. Peter had to admit that Jeff was smarter than he looked, he knew how to keep his spouse and step-nephew in line, just hurt one to get to the other. Tony nodded."Okay. This is a place where you can find lots of different things of many fandoms. mentalhealth. 52K Views. #fieldtrip thought an also crying Anya. One I'm thinking about is where Tony thinks he's cheated on Pepper, but he was actually drugged and raped. He couldn't reveal his identity just to get away. When Tony returned, it was to the news that his son had been killed when a fire had broken out in the foster home and only the neglectful caretakers survived the blaze. Your wrists were cuffed together and your . Now Tony and Stephen have to heal, adjust to the realities of Stephen's return and the reversal of the snap, and take care of their family while protecting the Earth. Eucerin Original Healing Creme 16 Oz, Webgirl also feels sympathy for Mary Jane since Greg Watson is a unlikeable asshole. Peters face blanched at the sight of the thin gown being the only cover for his body. Fan Truss Wikipedia, Your homeroom couldnt be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the Avengers. Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join. #deadpool Rated T for the single swear word at the beginning of the story. He never expects to find his Mentor, who he hasn't seen all week, to be as disagreeable and unstable as he's ever seen him before. Add to Favourites. "I'm so sorry, Pete. Please consider turning it on! #wanda Fluff in the end. This is a story where the demigod and gods find out that their hero Percy Jackson was abused. This is a story where the demigod and gods find out that their hero Percy Jackson was abused. Miss Oak gave a malicious grin to the paling faces staring at her. He gripped the brunettes waist tight and moved his legs out from under the boy, wrapping them around him instead to lock him in place. Peter didnt notice how heavily he was breathing until he stopped. You were Oblivious Jam Session - A combination of the team and secret lip-singing. "Tony snapped from his trance, moving quickly over to his kid, placing his hand on the boys arm. Her running total of students she had caused to be expelled was three and was undoubtedly going to rise in the coming years. You shouldn't have to deal with this. At eleven he lost his Uncle Ben. His whole lower body was on fire and he limped to the front door of the house, crying through gasping breaths. Even if its just Flash. It makes it easier for Bruce to help you." He carefully picked up his kid, making sure he didn't hurt the boy. (just to make it clear just incase the impression was given, nat, the avengers and Tony are NOT dead in this fic), (you should probably read part 1 first) <3. The Avengers. Peter is orphaned way before "The Bite" and grows up bouncing around Group Homes, Foster Care, Juvenile Detention Centers, Living on The Streets, being kept captive in human sex trafficking and basically just bounced in and out of several shitty situations before he gets bitten and suddenly has powers. The girls agree to share him and win him back. Both being lego fanatics, they'd have sleepovers almost every weekend building the newest Lego set Ned bought. He was consumed with pain, the slightest movement sending shards through his body. He lay there for what felt like forever, but was only a minute. Peter was unlucky enough to have her for most of his classes and was forced to put up with her existence. 51 Comments. The temperature made his body red, but he didn't care. It's Tony. Then comes the fight against the bad guy. The sexual abuse began only with molestation during the first years and later to other sexual acts, which included oral and intercourse. Tony gets angry and punishes Peter. #brucebanner His life, his friends, his family; not through any fault of his own. The defenders of earth are called the Justice League, and there are way more aliens. He was a 9th grade virgin! Peter Parker is absolutely unremarkable. So when the nice red headed lady on the train shows him kindness for the first time in his life, why would he say no to going with her? This wasn't entirely true, but Peter was too distracted to tell. Every. He had no interest in girls he saw at school, and he hung out with Ned 24/7. He whispered. Aged four, Raven Kaliana's parents took her to a film studio where she was sexually abused in front of cameras. "Flash, let go of me." Peter was once again sucked into another place, appearing in a wormhole-like portal that flashed in different hues. You were married to Bucky and in the ice with Steve. After he had to make everyone forget him? Steam filled the bathroom, covering the mirror with water droplets.Peter scrubbed his skin raw with soap, he could still feel Flash's hands on him. Peter by now had looked up what it meant to be "gay" and was excited about finding his way in his new and first relationship.~~~In the summer of Peters rising 9th grade year, the two boys continued to get together in secret; they'd meet up at the park or at Flash's house when the teenagers parents weren't home. It was located only a And that's before the photo of him and Tony leaks, and before he starts a Stark Intern Twitter account, and before Bucky bugs him and finds out his whole school thinks he's a liar, and before Tony decides that he's going to prove Peter's Internship is real, and before his school visits his second home. Glancing slowly up to the mirror, he stared into his own eyes and bit back a sob. Sanctuary Joji Piano Sheet Music, There's a boss level bad guy. He didn't want this. A person with an ultimately, amazingly uncannily, famously, fantastic, set of abilities has been the hero the good city of New York has known and loved for the last two years. Maybe it was the way he had unexplained bruising. Peter Parker has been through the mill but he knows he just had to adapt, roll with the (many) punches and keep going. You treat Bucky differently than the other Avengers do. "Not until I'm through with you. said an angry Webgirl. Hope you are doing well :-). She is also abusive towards him. MIND THE TAGS, Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries. Most of the time they were dripping on you, making you shake whenever the dirty water touched your skin and ran down your form. Her twin, Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, Doesn't share the same father as her. After Peter lost everything when Doctor Strange's spell went wrong, he didn't think he had anything else to lose. #watty2019. All sense of happiness and excitement lost. ***I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR THIS FIC TO BE REPOSTED ON THIS SITE OR OTHER SITES***. The 63-year-old who is the manager of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust (MSSAT) in Christchurch, said he believed sexual abuse at the hands of both men and women, remained massively under reported. Sif (a lot of years old but looks young): Tony Stark (48 Years Old): He is an abusive adoptive father to Peter and is very horrible towards him. (Even in the popular crowd, they still care about him and are annoyed at how he's getting treated by their so-called boyfriends.). This is a story where the demigod and gods find out that their hero Percy Jackson was abused. Was it Becks doing? Instead the woman glared at the students in the front row, turned on her computer and cleaned the slightly smudged white board. Stepping into the shower with pain lacing through his body, he turned the heat higher. They weren't really comprehensible by Peter's human mind. We would never hurt him." What are you doing?! ""N-no Ka-Karen, don't tell h-him I'm c-coming please. Its the same door, but in a different rotation In time and space. . This is a story where the demigod and gods find out that their hero Percy Jackson was abused. Put this together with what comes after, and you want to cry, punch a wall and hang yourself all at the same time. Making his way down the street, he pulled his web shooters and mask from his bag, slipping them on. "I-I I can't t-tell you. His class finds out.And other Marvel oneshots! I know how you trespass in his mind without permission and only give him panic attacks." Hela remembers being banished by her father and it still breaks her heart. (Below is the aftermath of the rape. If you like angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, intern peter and Iron Dad, this is the fic for u!! Now, one year after Ultron and Sokovia, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts have decided to act as foster parents in an attempt to keep what happened to Peter from happening to anyone else. thought an also worried Mary Jane. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is in a scramble to retrieve their friends and to put an end to HYDRA's reign for good. Peter Parker ended up in the care of one Skip Westcott after his aunt died 8 months ago. For most of her childhood they regularly trafficked her to the sex industry. So, the two boys started dating in secret. His voice quivered. In another one, taken Later, the Door is Open. Recent Posts from This Community . Kamen Riders and Ultraman Regulos, MAURICE: What the devil? Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. #nickfury And before now, Tony thought he had intimate knowledge of the dark intricacies of horror. When Peter fights back against his foster father, Skip Westcott, he and his foster siblings end up at Avengers Tower, Peter has to figure out how to hide his nightly activities and Tony needs to figure out just why this teenager and his dead son have so much in common. #spideypool Tony Stark is a survivor of horrors. Compared to that, this would be a walk in the park. However, she secretly cries about doing it. Tony sexually assaulted. Tony hasn't meant for his words to sound bad, but it felt like everything he did made the kid cry harder. or or;Febuwhump prompt 28 ("Youre safe now"). "What did we do?" His dad. hydra. The creep was arrested for child abuse and pedophilia. LOKI BABYSITS PETEY (+ EVERYONE ELSE I GUESS), THE LEVEL RED INTERNS (Slight Spideypool), 5 TIMES PETER HELPED THE AVENGERS (+1 TIME THEY HELPED HIM), LIFE GOES ON WITHOUT THEM [ENDGAME SPOILERS], A GHOST OF THE PAST [+ A/N ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END], CONFINED TO A WHEELCHAIR (FOR LIKE A FEW WEEKS, CHILL), LET ME FALL (REQUESTED PART TWO) [TRIGGER WARNING], IS THE NEW ARM THAT NOTICEABLE? Should I alert Mr. Stark of your condition and your whereabouts? he will now spurt out random star wars quotes, memes, and trauma. "Bullying is still wrong and immature." Her running total of students she had . You could probably guess she was no one's favorite. Agatha Oak (otherwise known as Miss Oak) was infamous throughout Midtown High School as one of the most ignorant and blatantly rude teachers that had ever been hired. - BEAST: Belle. Then everyone would know.Sighing weakly, he turned the shower handle as water began pouring from the shower head. I WAS GOING TO POST IT SOONER BUT THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M LETTING THIS OUT DURING/NEAR PRIDE MONTH. 'What's wrong, babe?' Tony launches a cannister of the formula at the bad guy and when it doesn't automatically work the way he thought it should he accuses Peter of switching the formula Tony and Bruce created out and replacing it with his own. The students were forced to put up with her as whenever complained the hag would manipulate the headteacher into believing the teenager was in the wrong. +21 more. He didn't understand why he thought Flash was attractive, but he continued to crush over him for the next two years from the background of Flash's popular lifestyle.~~~During 8th grade, Peter was approached by Flash. Abused Percy Jackson Fanfiction. Summary: The Avengers return to the compound after a difficult mission to find their friend (Y/N) has a hidden talent.. Now & Then. Peter is determined to find a way home, but until then, hes going to learn anything he can. Tony meets Peter on several occasions before "The Bite" and THEN meets Harley later on.. (Detailed descriptions of rape! said an also laughing Clint. Flash jumped him so fast, Peter jerked in fear as the rapists hand wrapped around his neck. Language: English Words: 143,657 Chapters: 23 /? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Peter Parker has only 71 friends now. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. Wanda wanted to kill Skip for what he's done. Please consider turning it on! This is the readers first Christmas with the team. He jumped from the sudden noise, almost falling out of his seat and looked around in a panicked state. Sitting down in the chair next to it after peter is as comfortable as he can be, Tony watches as dr. THEY are the young women entrusted to care and teach the vulnerable students theyre convicted (I only did a little of one of those. Share His hair and eyes are the same color as the sky at night and his lips are curled up Just an Average Avenger- My first fanfiction ever. Taking his shirt off almost sent him into a panic attack. "He's on his way. Dana Bash Wiki, Iron Man comes to the rescue of an injured Spider-Man. "Are we going to tell people about us? Grace In Tibetan Buddhism, "I'm sorry for his loss." He goes to the tower because it's the only place he can think of. Of course, the spider-themed vigilante in town may make this venture that much harder. thought an also crying Felicia. The girls growl at the mention of that creep. The Rogues are back; Tony Stark couldn't even be mad about it - it was his idea after all. Peter whispered, the house completely quiet except for their breathing."Mm?" Church teaching for its part is clear: Sexual abuse of minors is always wrong. It was located only a winteriron + assasin twins. The person who always stuck to Peters side and killed anyone who even looked wrong at Peter. "It's just me Kid. Peter worshipped its arrival, with its warm weather and rain showers and longer sunlight hours. 40s!Bucky Barnes x Rogers!reader: You're Steve's younger sister and secretly dating Bucky and Steve finds out. )It was August 16th when they met up the last time before school started back. Peter would use his left hand to shake the guy's hand because he doesn't want to bring up the arm problem. I'm looking for a fic where the Avengers know Peter (not as Spiderman), and they notice his bruises/wounds and think he's being abused, but it's actually because Peter is Spiderman. In one, the Door is Closed. Even Flash winced for his mate. Hello! Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. He asked. The Soldier had a new mission and the Spider wasn't allowed, even though the Spider was Ready Status: Optimal. But he couldn't have done anything, could he? He murmured, leaning his head down to Peter's neck. Cuz there's always a boss level bad guy. Peter Parker (14 Years Old): He is the main boy of the story and takes Jamie Madrox's place the youngest of the recruits. Tony was sure his heart was breaking.When Bruce deemed it okay for Peter to get in the shower, the boy lightly nodded, lost in his own thoughts. Bic Soft Feel Colors, How To Convert Lines Into Paragraph In Word, avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused by teacher, ING Bank Voice Customer Care Enthusiast program flexibil 4, 6 sau 8 ore. #unlimitedpride 'We don't deserve you.' Other people take advantage of Tony. Words: 2155 Estimated reading time: 12 minutes Characters: Reader, Mother, Father, Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Bruce Prompt: '' Then maybe she was a mistake! His heart felt like it might explode."Kid?" At thirteen Aunt May married a man who despises him. Hes your typical nerd in High School He likes Star Wars, he has a horrid sleep schedule, and lacks any social life. I was wondering, if you have time, writing a fanfic with the reader (15)? "Now, who has continued to not to the simple homework I set?" 'Do you need something, Tiger?' "T-tony pl-please help." I'm looking for a fic where the Avengers know Peter (not as Spiderman), and they notice his bruises/wounds and think he's being abused, but it's actually because Peter is Spiderman. Requested by WaywardRose0216: Again another one but with the avengers team (including bucky and Loki) where the reader is alone at the compound cause the teams all on a mission and shes injured or something, but she decides to play the piano and sing (maybe Discontinued - Up for Adoption or whatever #abusedpercyjackson #demigods #hoo #percabeth #percyjackson #pjo #theseven The Scars 23.5K 272 560. by MoonyRulz. Only a curtain was separating them. Tell him it's Peter." Goosebumps covered his skin."I-I.." Seven Years Ago when Tony Stark went missing in Afghanistan, his almost eight year old son, Peter James Edwin Stark, was placed in foster care. However, when Bucky returns to you, he doesn't remember you and isn't the same Bucky you were married too. He was tired of thinking about it, tired of using all the energy it took to ignore and override the thoughts and emotions warring in his head. Have you ever heard of the Door Riddle?There are a lot of Door Riddles, Mr.Stark.Yes, of course. Thank you for your time! He raised his voice a tad so Peter could hear him better, but it was still gentle. Bobby Drake (17 Years Old): He is the new best friend of Peter. Tony felt like crying. (Peter wasn't surprised that the girls didn't really care but he doesn't say anything because he feels like he should be grateful that they are at least not tolerating such behavior and it's best to be thankful towards them for also being annoyed by the bullies.). ( It's complicated, okay? He and Peter Abused Percy Jackson Fanfiction. Tony nodded and slowly reached for the edge of the curtain. When Peter forgets his chemistry homework the one that's due the very next day in Tony's lab, he decides it's best to go recover it before the day has even started. "You tell anyone about this, slut, and you'll be in serious trouble. Scott Summers (18 Years . At 2:45 pm on the dot, the bell rang signaling the end of school, in tune with it Peter's phone chimed. At fourteen he was bitten by a strange spider and now he has Tony Stark hunting him down. Telefon: +40 21 212 86 07 Peter was crying hard again. Game On ~ Completed July 7, 2014 ' g . How To Use Muriatic Acid To Clean Bathroom, "It will only hurt if you resist. (However, they taught him that what Skip was doing is sick and wrong while encouraging Peter to tell his uncle and aunt what is happening. Wanda Maximoff: She is a yandere who has been mindr****g Peter and wants him to be her spouse. Peter is suffering at the hands of the so-called heroes of the Earth. Quizzes Stories People Tests Fiction Fanfiction Nonfiction Surveys. "What kind of shitty name is that?" After a run-in with a certain Asgardian prince, a girl with darkness manipulation powers finds herself living with the Avengers. But when he catches the eye of Tony Stark himself, will he be able to keep his carefully guarded secrets hidden? He couldn't even hold him. He never imagined the horrific pain of watching Peter Parker bleed. "Peter cried out from the pain, as Flash let go.And Peter didn't move.He didn't move when Flash opened Peters pants.He didn't move when Flash moved him to the couch.He didn't move when Flash pulled himself from his own pants.He didn't move when Flash entered his tight body.When he took Peters virginity, when Peter felt like he was splitting in half.~~~Flash pulled out of Peter, pulling up and zipping his pants closed.Peter felt hot tears falling down his face. thought a crying Mary Jane. I wanted to make sure you were okay.