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Unlike base camos, these are not universal and must be unlocked for each weapon individually. It does not have a lock-on function, for killstreaks nor for enemy vehicles. So, basically, you will have to grind and grind, and grind again until you reach level 11. Thermite yourself or run it down to an enemy not on a killstreak to replenish your ammo.https://gfycat.com/ickypleasedbluefish. Run the engineer perk to highlight all streaks and equipment, this helps immensely. Amped-- Faster weapon swap and rocket launcher reload speed. A lover of RPGs, Board Games, and Storytelling Joshua is a gamer to the core. This means aiming ahead of where the target currently is. These will be challenges like getting a certain number of longshots or mounted kills. Again, these can be mixed and matched with base weapons and post-launch guns, so youve got plenty of freedom with how you choose to earn the camos, especially as more weapons are added. List of All Launchers How to Use Launchers Shoot Down Enemy UAV The enemy UAV will reveal your location which will make it easier for enemies to find you. Included are the ADS reloads and weapon inspections. The Grenade Launcher attachment is listed as a secondary weapon on the Call of Duty ELITE Create-a-Class menu. https://twitter.com/dylanfurrow Click the bell icon to be notified when a new video goes live Click the thumbs up icon if you liked the streamIn this video, I show you how to get the PLATINUM launchers in Modern Warfare 2. With the Launcher's emphasis on player vs player gameplay, earning the Gold Camo can happen by pure chance without the player realizing, due to its lethality and ease of use. All rights reserved. It requires dedication and skill to complete the challenges, but the rewards are well worth the effort. In this base challenge, you will have to kill 40 opponents with the following rocket launcher. Unlocking Fender's base skin in Modern Warfare 2 is a straightforward process. To unlock Polyatomic challenges, you need to earn Platinum camos on 51 weapons in the game. Guys. Set . The RPG-7 is the game's premiere anti-infantry launcher, so playing standard or Tier 1 styled objective game modes and focusing fire on enemy-held objectives will easily reward players with this challenge's completion without any undue hassle. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The STRELA-P launcher is the first Launcher in its category locked behind a level cap. Since launchers in Modern Warfare II take time to reload between shots, players will have to kill two players with a single rocket to unlock this camo. The goal of GT is to be the best source of easy-to-understand tips and tricks, reviews, original features, hidden cheats and gaming tweaks that will help players worldwide. The amount needed varies between guns, but the overall challenge is always the same here. However, according to most of the players leveling up the rocket launchers is one of the most difficult tasks in the game. Again, players will find the most success playing objective game modes and pouncing on busy teamfights in and around enemy objectives. Most of these launchers are used against aerial threats and some of them feature lock-on capabilities. Each Launcher has unique properties, which can complicate a player's attempts to level them up if they are unfamiliar with these qualities. None of the Launchers currently have attachments that can be unlocked by leveling them, reducing the amount of active consideration players need to give these weapons compared to the highly customizable firearms in the other weapon categories. The ones that lock on are the the first one you get by default(not sure of the name), the Stinger, and Javelin. Players will find the most success in the Tier 1 game mode on objective-based playlists, where all players have reduced HUD elements and reduced health. Classic - Get three kills without dying 20 times with all kills coming from the launcher. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. There are four mastery camos that you can unlock in Modern Warfare 2. To unlock Gold Camo for the RPG-7, players need to earn two kills without dying five times. To unlock the Polyatomic mastery challenge, you need to complete 51 Platinum mastery challenges. So make sure you dont choose a difficult target or else itll just be a waste of time. To unlock Polyatomic Camo for the JOKR launcher, players will have to earn 15 double kills. The Launcher category in the secondary weapon slot contains five camo challenges per weapon, four of which are unlockable via challenges. Uploader Arrowood. Foremost, the term rocket launcher is pretty ambiguous. And we also recommend you use all your Double XP Tokens to upgrade the launchers. Each weapon has four base camos and four mastery camos. You can view and edit Weapon Mods at the bottom of the Weapons menu, where you can also see blueprints you may have received during your Modern Warfare experience. Upgrading these weapons is not that easy and requires a lot of XP to level up. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. To earn Orion on any new, post-launch weapon, all you need to do is earn Polyatomic on that particular gun to get the Orion camo. Since launchers in Modern Warfare II take time to reload between shots, players will have to kill two players with a single rocket to unlock this camo. These weapons are divided into handguns, submachine guns, shotguns, battle rifles, light machine guns, markman rifles, sniper rifles, and rocket launchers. A quick Call of Duty: Modern Warfare guide to help improve player's aim when targeting UAV's with the RPG or Strela launchers. Modern Warfare 2 camos are divided into two types: Base and Mastery. Because guns are relatively easy to level up in the game. Genre(s): First-person shooter . Primary. Both the Strela and RPG are designed as anti-vehicle weapons. Before you can unlock the fancy mastery camos, you'll need to acquire base camos first. Using them on anything else (other than Launchers, Melee, Snipers/DMRs) is a huge waste of a valuable resource. But only the ones that dont give up get to tell their battle glories. We have scanned the file and URLs associated . MORE Aggressive. Players should always aim ahead of their target, and when possible, try and aim slightly off of the expected impact point. . So that's 4 down with 1 stone. The adjustment needed is much smaller but follows a similar principle. In this guide, we have mentioned all the fastest ways to level up launchers in COD MW2 easily. The PILA launcher will be the first weapon of its type online players unlock. Stay Frosty. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, players will be thrust into an immersive narrative spanning the entire game. Most of the times, players will be eager to help you out. This unique firing method makes killing indoor enemies and simply firing the weapon in buildings nearly impossible. How To Change Armor Appearance And Hide Items In Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty How to drop Items, How to Find Order Members in Roblox Arcane Odyssey. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is the first-person shooter that dominated the genre going forward, generating loyal franchise fans with its explosive action. Modern Warfare 2 base weapon camos Each weapon in the game that allows you to add attachments to it will have four base camo challenges. The AT4 is a launcher featured in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty Online, Call of Duty: Heroes, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and Call of Duty: Mobile. You have just successfully locked on and shot. The launcher should be max leveled before the 3 kill based challenges are done (shows how useful the double XP is). The best launcher in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is the JOKR for several reasons. Playing on smaller maps and blasting away in contested areas will help players earn the 40 necessary kills quickly, while using XP-earning equipment like the Decoy Grenades will help level the JOKR's weapon rank. Because the STRELA-P has no lock-on function, players should focus on weaker killstreaks like Wheelson-HS's, Sentry Guns and Overwatch Helos, or equipment pieces like Claymores and Suppression Mines. The fastest way to level up the RPG-7 rocket launchers in COD Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) is by playing Domination & Hardpoint. Get acquainted with upcoming games while also receiving in-depth information about evergreen ones. It doesn't have too many notable drawbacks, but it also lacks the explosion radius of something like the JOKR or RPG-7. Lethal. Compared to other weapon categories such as Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles, this class can be more difficult to rank up. Around ~70-100 kills you should have the Reptile (50 kills with Amped) challenges unlocked so on your way to Level 31 this camo will be pretty much done as well. In the meantime, head over to our article on How to Get Kills From Behind in MW2. The images posted to Reddit show the proper aiming spot for taking down UAVs and other aerial targets. Here is how to get the gold rocket launcher in Modern Warfare 2. For Dark Leaves, you need to earn 10 double-kills, and for Urban Renewal, you need to secure 15 eliminations from behind. As a side note, if you wish to unlock the Platinum camo, you will need to destroy enemy scorestreaks, equipment or vehicles. Official workaround: Initiate a "Scan and Repair" via the Battle.net application or fully re-install the game. MORE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Players Want Support Helo Buffed. Please read the following rules before commenting: Save my nickname and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Filename CODBW_Brutal_HD_v2.6.zip Category Full Version. Thanks guys Call of Duty: Black Ops III is an upcoming first-person shooter by Treyarch. This is all you need to know about how you can Level Up Launchers by using the fastest ways In COD Modern Warfare 2 (MW2). For added control, try to crouch before firing the rocket. One of the most iconic weapons in the game, the RPG-7 returns in Modern Warfare II as the final Launcher currently in the game (as of the time of writing). As soon as you hit Level 31, switch to the next launcher as you don't want to waste the time on the XP token. You will need to have. As a last resort, you can just wait until Season 1 for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 drops. Related: How to Get Kills From Behind in MW2. This weapon can be used on small to mid-range maps as you can carry it without worrying too much about movability. -- Fight the DOOM with Call of Duty weapons. Here are the facts about defender and attacker awards with launchers kills. Jump from the Battle Bus and land near Slurpy Swamp. While youre here take a look at how you can level up Snipers in the game. Here's how to level each weapon in this category, as well as the camo awards for doing so. The Polyatomic Camo can be unlocked by earning 15 double kills with the weapon. https://streamelements.com/arbuckle-8493/tipJoin the Discord Community! It makes up for this by having an incredibly fast projectile speed for its rockets, and it deals high rates of damage to player vehicles. That can be somewhat overwhelming for those new to the franchise so this guide. Expect a massive calendar of free content post-launch featuring evolving gameplay with new maps, modes, seasonal events, community celebrations and more. Well, with one exception (well talk about it later). Claymore mines, Wheelson HS killstreaks and Deployable Cover shields are perfect targets. Once you join the match all you have to do is look for the enemys UAV invading the sky. This is a much more simplified version of the mastery camo challenge grind that we've seen in recent years, so this shouldn't be a huge struggle to reach the Orion camos. If you're finding it frustrating to complete these challenges, you can always ask for help from your opponents via text chat. I did this for my First things first, ensure that the second player (not the one that's launching COD: Modern Warfare) is not signed in. Trying to level up your Modern Warfare II launchers and unlock those neat camos? A contributing reason was the Favela map, which had a picture frame inscribed with Quranic verse hanging in a bathroom. So if you come across close combat then dont hesitate to give the enemy a piece of this huge machine. Subscribe for free to Inverses award-winning daily newsletter! It was met with mass approval and excitement from players. After earning Polyatomic camos on 51 weapons in the game, youll gain access to the Orion camo and for this, you dont need to complete any additional challenges. In Modern Warfare 2, we have 4 rocket launchers: the PILA (unlocked by default), the Strela-P (unlocked at Level 14), the JOKR (unlocked at level 24), and finally, yes, the RPG-7 (unlocked at Level 32). Location Games: Doom: Mods: CALL OF DOOM: COD Style Advanced Weapons MOD: Files. One of those customization options in question is gun camos, and there is one in particular that will take quite a bit of work to get but may be worth it nonetheless. If I'm out of ammo and not doing anything significant for my team like the last one holding HQ I'll force a respawn to restock.Anything other than Support Streaks is a lesser priority at this point and I wouldn't go out of my way to take down something like a VTOL since you should have Cold-Blooded equiped. It is a fire-and-forget launcher with a large explosive. Because the PILA has a lock-on function, players should focus on airborne killstreaks like UAVs, Counter-UAVs, Chopper Gunners and Gunships when working towards this camo. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get the gold rocket launcher in Modern Warfare 2. To get the hardest of the Modern Warfare camos Damascus I had to earn Gold on every single core gun in the game - all the guns that were in Modern Warfare on release, and thankfully not . When it comes to ARs, SMGs, Shotguns, etc -- the challenges are completed linearly, they should be done by the time you max out each weapon (or very close to).https://i.imgur.com/1d4Aa46.png. Tell her the truth.Kyle: You'll have a chance to tell the whole world.Hadir: I don't care about the world. *Earn attacker awards with launcher kills. Go now and get the gold rocket launcher. Much like the PILA Launcher, focusing on objective game modes that see teams tightly bundled together on specific points or rushing through predictable pathways will reward kills rapidly. Upgrading these weapons is not that easy and requires a lot of XP to level up. The camo challenges themselves are much easier this time around than in previous entries. Tight hallways, doorways and objectives actively pointed out on the map will lead most players to use recognizable pathways. Careful use of vantage points and cover will be necessary to ensure players aren't picked off during the attempt, though. Make sure to check out our guide on how to level weapons faster in Modern Warfare 2, and you'll be completing camo challenges in no time. Before you use the fastest ways to level up launchers in Call of Duty MW2 we recommend you equip the Spotter Perk as your Bonus perk. As for the challenges themselves, these will vary across weapon categories, so be sure to check each gun to see what you need to do. This map can also assist players in unlocking the additional camo challenges for the JOKR, as this Launcher's challenges are somewhat different from the others in the same category. One slight miscalculation can cause the rocket to miss completely by overshooting the target or falling behind. While other launchers have heat-seeking, auto-lock, and several other features to aid in aiming, the RPG and Strella must be handled manually. Camo progress now looks like this (except your numbers for Splinter should be much higher this screenshot was before they made it easy):https://i.imgur.com/DkRQmo9.png. Unable to access graphics options Graphics options may be inaccessible to some. And also dont forget to punch with this launcher as much as you can. There are no additional . This detonates the rocket much earlier, making it a lot easier to get kills. The game was banned in the United Arab Emerates (UAE) over the perceived mistreatment of Islam. Now with the nerf to Launcher camo challenges, you will finish the last 6 challenges simultaneously -- similar to how the first 3 were done. To increase the Pila Launcher XP we recommend you play the Invasion mode more often. For example, there are eight SMGs in the game, so you need to earn Gold camos on 8 SMGs to unlock the Platinum challenges. When you hear the tone after the beeping you've locked on. It can lock-on to enemy vehicles and killstreaks or be fired freely by the player. You'll gain about 110+ XP for kills, but also 75 extra XP for collecting a dog tag. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. In the meantime, head over to our article on CoD MW2 Polyatomic Camo How To Get. The . How do I lock onto helicopters and harriers with a rocket launcher? The spawn timer is humorously low where by the time you destroy 2 groups (5-6 vehicles) and the first one you blew up should be respawning. Get the squad together for the Black Ops Cold War debuts of Prop Hunt and Combined Arms: Hardpoint, which you learn all about at the Call of Duty Blog. Gold is the first challenge you unlock once you complete the base challenges for a weapon. Make your way to the small compound that's east of the swamp. RELATED: Modern Warfare 2: Tips And Tricks For Beginners. It's worth noting here that the four base challenges will unlock as you level up the weapon, and these unlock levels vary from weapon to weapon. We are now well into Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, which has come loaded with new playlists, maps, and customization options for weapons and more. You need to destroy 10 with the. I have the same problem and I know it may sound stupid but I haven't figured out how to use the grenade / rocket launcher on the exo suit, all I have is the railgun ! The Santa Sena Border Crossing map, for instance, is packed with cars that can explode and kill players. To unlock the JOKR's Platinum Camo, players need to destroy 10 enemy vehicles, killstreaks or equipment pieces. Ways To Farm Launchers XP Quickly In COD Modern Warfare 2, Fastest Ways To Level Up Launchers In COD MW2, Best Ways to Increase Rocket Launchers XP Quickly in COD Modern Warfare 2. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. As you level up each weapon, youll unlock various base weapon challenges. Furthermore, if you are the type of player that loves to go boom with your rocket launchers, well, youre in luck my friend. Overall, the RPG-7 makes for a well-balanced launcher in Modern Warfare 2 for speed and damage. The JOKR launcher is a weapon featured in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Browse our network 9 . vvtra 3 yr. ago. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare might not actually be a particularly authentic representation of what warfare is like, but it's hard to deny the tools you get throughout the game can be fun to. And like Xerodragonx19 said you listen for the tone after the beeping stops then fire at whatever your target is. You want to use your 2XP Weapon tokens on Launchers playing Shoothouse until you max out all 4 (Level 31). Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022) is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Windows. RELATED: Warzone 2.0 / MW2: Best Assault Rifles Tier List. How To Enable Youtube Channel Monetization In 2022 (Guide), Assassins Creed Valhalla Trailer Out, Optimized for Xbox, You Can Now Play As Snoop Dogg In NHL 20 Starting Today, 10 Best Point & Click Games To Play (2023). Free shipping for many products! Best Ways To Unlock All Camos Spray- Get 50 kills. Can't imagine how annoying it would be to play with multiple people doing this on the other team. There are over 180 base camos, and they are all universal this year. When you hear the tone after the beeping you've locked on. As a result, players looking to unlock the JOKR's camos will have to be picky with which of Modern Warfare II's variety of multiplayer maps and game modes they queue up for. Next, ensure that you are logged in with the main account (the one that holds ownership of the game) and launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare normally. In my opinion this is the best way to get the PLATINUM launchers in modern warfare 2. The game is powered by a new engine, enabling high tier graphics. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Try to aim the rocket so that it launches into a ceiling in front of you. Launchers and melee weapons (weapons without attachments) that aren't customizable in the Gunsmith only have one base challenge each. Then, to earn Desert Hybrid, you need to earn 50 eliminations while aiming down sights. The ultimate bragging rights (personally, I ignore the platinum camo, but anyway, thats just me). If youre also struggling to farm XP to upgrade these overpowered weapons, then were here for your help. Pasting some tips I'd written previously for another thread. So once you lock a target and simply shoot the launcher anywhere, itll attack its target anyway. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Buy Game Visit Site Purchase Now For PS4 & XBOX One Get PS5, Xbox Series X|S Upgrade at No Additional Cost!