The car comes to a screeching halt. Humans don't stand a chance against a vampire. it is the one weakness that cannot be beaten down, and that she loves Damon, despite early comments. Stefan cuts Jeremy's wrist and gives his blood to the fugitive who completes his transition into a vampire. He would travel into town to buy tea and flowers, telling himself it was for her, but it was truly his way to avoid her. He's trying to explain that Bonnie is trying to complete the expression triangle and when he does Aja brings out a knife and says that Bonnie has to die and she can't be saved. Stefan's dependence on Damon due to his newborn vampire-ism and heightened emotions was example by a time right after he transitioned and then persuaded an unwilling Damon to complete his own transformation into a vampire. She didn't even open it, she just said yes. Stefan tells Elena that he wouldn't let Qetsiyah hurt her. While arriving in a part of the woods, one of the jeep's tires blows out and he notices that it is an arrow. It's time to start. Stefan has jet black, wavy hair and emerald green eyes in the book series. Caroline states that she has almost forgotten what that feels like. He responds that he doesn't and suggests that they go to the dance together even if it's cancelled. He had nanny named Cordelia and his ex-fiance, Rosalyn Cartwright, was killed by a jealous Katherine. She sees April and decides to go say hi to her while Stefan goes to find something stronger than beer. Caroline rang Liam again to see why he was taking so long. Later, the brothers are in the cellar and Stefan is shown to have bled Damon out because he didn't have vervain and needed to find a way to weaken him. Damon mentions that in October 1852, he broke Stefan's nose trying to teach him how to throw a right hook. Stefan apologizes before nodding to Jeremy, who then decapitates Chris with a meat cleaver. Liz is rushed back to the hospital. They take a ride on Stefan's motorcycle on a deserted country road; Elena stands up on the bike and laughs, reveling in the sensation, and Stefan smiles. Qetsiyah reveals that he will wake up in time and then mentions to Damon how his relationship with Elena is doomed. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. Stefan interrupts to confirm that these vampire hunters have been around for 900 years. Stefan says that he can't dagger Rebekah and Elena responds that she knows vampires can't use the dagger and they'll make Matt do it. Caroline wants to know since Valerie is out of the prison world, does that change anything for him? In the end, he was the one to kill her. Stefan and Caroline make out in celebration. Title(s) After Johnathan had left, Stefan went inside to talk to his father one last time, who was shocked to see that Stefan was "alive." Stefan returns to the Gilbert house the next day to talk to Elena. But the Family was later killed by an enemy they were not aware of. He calls Elena, but when she picks up he remains silent, Elena realizes who is on the phone. He was clearly frightened of her, saying that her face resembled that of a demon and also told her to get away from him. Stefan was in love with a girl named Callie Gallagher. Stefan states he should kill him and Klaus asks where the Ripper has been. She brought him coffee and said that ever since he lost his memories she feels like she has lost a friend and she wants them to start clean. Stefan was a member of the Salvatore Family. Lily tells him that she went to Europe with a gentleman friend; Stefan laughs at this because he doesn't trust her type of man. He calls out to Andie, who is up high on a beam in the studio roof. Out of all the characters in The Vampire Diaries universe, Stefan has been most heavily featured. Damon takes the victim from Stefan before Lexi drags him from the bar. In Monster's Ball, Stefan attends the Costume Ball with Caroline and Tyler, and he dresses like James Dean. Later, we see Stefan at the garage working at Damon's Camaro. In the meantime Klaus and Caroline find him. In She's Come Undone, Stefan and Damon are at the house with Elena locked in the safe and Damon playing mind games with her for over an hour and still no emotional response from Elena, Later Stefan is Caroline and she wants to see Elena and Stefan said they are not letting anyone see her and that it was whole point of locking her isolation leads to misery and lead to emotion, Caroline says that she's been there for days and hasn't improved at all Stefan says that she doesn't want to not yet and that she's devastated she's lost her brother, she attacked her friend Bonnie and killed an innocent woman and Caroline said that Stefan knew how to help her Stefan said that he is helping her and Caroline asks him by torturing her and Stefan says its not torture but an intervention and the only chance they have with her is to provoke her to trigger something fear, anger, self-pity or anything Caroline asks Stefan to let her talk to Elena before anymore intervention and that Elena can't hurt her if she's weak and begs him to let her try, later Caroline is with Elena at the basement Stefan wishes her good luck and leaves her with Elena, Caroline says the she brought something for Elena and pulls a vial of blood and gives it to Elena so that it could help think straight and she also adds that she doesn't agree with what Stefan and Damon are doing to her making her suffer to turn her humanity back and its not who Elena is, Caroline says she's not giving up on her and Elena starts to provoke her about that she's the reason that Tyler left town and the he was running from her and not from Klaus and about how pathetic she's going to look in the cap and gown and that she's a repulsive, blood-sucking control freak monster and Elena is attacking Caroline and she breaks Elena's neck and Stefan is behind her and tells him to do what he has to do, later Stefan and Damon are in a room with Elena tied up to chair and they took her daylight ring and they plan on using sunlight to torture her and as Stefan slowly opens the curtain Elena asks if she's supposed to feel scared and Stefan said that she will be and to focus on that fear because its the key to getting her humanity back and she says that they are not gonna burn her and adds that if they get her humanity back she'll remember that they tortured her and she'll hate them for it, Damon says to work risk and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena's skin is burning and Damon extinguishes the fire and asks for any emotion so they can stop it and Elena says that she's going to kill them, Stefan says that they don't want to torture her and she can stop it and its her choice, Elena is provoking Stefan for being the one to pull back the curtain and a part of him enjoys it considering that she dumped Stefan, Damon believes that they are breaking through the tough shell and getting to the center of her humanity and asks Stefan to shed some light into the situation, Stefan is ready to reopen the curtain and Elena says its going to hurt Stefan more than it hurts her Stefan says he knows what she's going through and that she's afraid to face the guilt she feels if she turns her emotions back on and the only way to help is to make the alternative hurt even worse and Stefan opens the curtain and Elena is in pain, later Elena is still in pain from exposure to sunlight Stefan closes the curtain and Damon says she'll thank him someday and after she gets her humanity she'll know that life without emotions blew and she provokes Damon by telling him that the sire bond also blew and going everyday believing that she was in love with him and saying that he was afraid that it wasn't real and says that it wasn't, Elena says to keep torturing and she and Stefan might give their relationship another go and she exposes herself to sunlight Stefan and Damon extinguish Elena from the flames and she says that they won't hurt and she doesn't have to afraid of anything, later Stefan and Damon are at the driveway Stefan sarcastically says that it went well and Damon is frustrated that Elena is being stubborn and doesn't want to turn it back on, even though every vampire does it with out any problems Stefan says that she has nothing to come back to after she lost her home and her family and destroyed her relationships, Damon said that scaring her should have worked and that she's smart and she knows that they won't hurt her and Stefan suggests to bring someone who really will hurt her Damon asks who, Stefan suggests Katherine because she is the reason Jeremy is dead and she's the only who can provoke an emotion into Elena and Damon says that Katherine won't help them Stefan says the she was just abandoned by Elijah and that she has nothing and has no one and that she won't refuse their offer to torture Elena, later Damon and Katherine are discussing what will happen if Elena goes back to her old self when Stefan says the Elena is not in the cell and its revealed that Katherine lost interest in Elena's recovery and didn't lock her in Stefan with Damon and Matt search for her, later Stefan stops Elena for feeding on Matt and Damon has had enough and he's done playing nice and tells her to turn her humanity switch or he'll kill Matt, Elena calls his bluff and he breaks Matt's neck and Elena is crying and she's sad about what happened to Matt and later is revealed to be wearing the Gilbert ring and will come back to life and Elena gets her humanity back, Damon says that she's going to be okay and she remembers what she has done and Stefan stops her and says the he knows the stage the emotions are over-whelming her and that she has to focus on one thing Elena says she can't and tells to find the thing that makes her strong and to latch on to it and channel everything she's feeling into one emotion and to let it in, Elena does what she's told and he tells her to breathe it in and blow everything else out and she's screaming in pain and Damon asks her if she's okay, she says "no" but she'll get better. They bring Colin to the hospital for Jo to examine, but she's feeling less than adequate, having just failed to revive a plant. Back at Willoughby Elena and Elijah talk but Katherine appears and snaps her neck. Klaus then asks how can they stop him and Stefan says that Silas has to complete the third massacre so that Bonnie could do the spell and if he's here that's what he's doing so they need to find him and stop him. When Stefan first arrives at the high school, all the girls are irresistibly attracted him and want to gain his attention. Damon revealed that Stefan has only ever been in love twice in his whole entire life, and they both wore the same face; Katherine and Elena. Stefan was engaged to a girl named Rosalyn Cartwright before he met Katherine. Elena, who continues to weaken without blood, confesses that the reason she was on the bridge was because she was coming back for Stefan, and that no matter what happens, it's the best choice she has ever made. He asks Tyler to warn Caroline as he douses his with gas. Stefan tries to stop him but Damon just waves him with which he says that Stefan needs to stay away. He immediately recognizes her and calls her his best friend and that she looks much hotter than the pictures. He throws the stake past Stefan and into the throat of Jay, who was aiming a shotgun with wooden darts at them. He tries to negotiate with Connor, to no avail. It worked. The two begin arguing with Stefan demanding to know 'one thing you've asked her to do, you haven't gotten? In Total Eclipse of the Heart, Stefan arrives home and finds Damon's car with Aaron's corpse inside of it. Caroline commends Stefan on being so good at helping new vampires adjust. As they return to Elena's home Stefan realizes that someone is bleeding upstairs. He was often very tender, loving and gentle towards Elena but he was also extremely passionate about her. Later, Stefan arrives at the college where Elena is in her room, Elena hugs him and he tells her that Enzo is dead, she asks him if Damon knows about it but Stefan tells her Damon must not know it because that would destroy him even more, he tells her that he told Damon that Enzo made the decision to leave the town and not return. He's worried about Ivy making herself a target for Tripp if she doesn't learn how to control herself. He tells Stefan he's no brother to Damon. In Elena's room, the door opens once again. Word Count: 610. Stefan is not talking to his big brother because he's still mad at him for sleeping with Elena. Sheriff Forbes returns home just long enough for Caroline to give her the Friends box set and tell her she's going to Duke to see another cancer specialist. Elena says she said something she didn't mean and Stefan admits that he did too. Lexi returns to Mystic Falls for Stefan's 162nd birthday, trying to renew her relationship with Stefan. Later he is talking to Katherine (appearing to be Elena), and reveals to her that he used to hope that Damon would mess up with her so badly that she would give up on him, but then he started to like the person he begun to be and says he doesn't want to lose this person. That he did not want to be alone because he just wanted his brother by his side forever. And seeing as Elena is valuable for them, they are in the process of using Wes' resources to find a cure for her virus, she also says that them have to find something, Stefan ask what do they need and Sloan say another one of him. When he notice Damon has been waiting for the day they had a fight because Stefan made him turn. He is next to the quarry with Elena, and the two are talking about it being a vision. When they are on the road with Katherine and stop to tank, Katherine breaks his car, so they would be forced to wait until it is repaired. However, Stefan was not entirely different from the person he had been before the memory loss. When Caroline enters, he asks her to take a subconscious Enzo. He also adds that probably Silas followed them from the island and now he's stealing blood so that he could get his strength back. Welcome to the suburban nightmare. She tells him she's not there to blame him, but to understand what they had to do, which leaves him to angrily ask what they did. He says she's stood by him through his the multiple rehabs, the jail time, the bullfighting injury. Back at the Forbes cabin, Stefan starts to apologize to Damon, but Damon punches him. Unsuccessful, Damon announces he'll go and kill Connor himself, so Stefan quickly subdues Damon with vervain to stop him. Hence why his father wanted him to get married to Rosalyn. Patient (2010)Unnamed Frat Boy (2016) (While body possessed by Ambrose)Violet Fell (2018) Tyler takes Matt to Elena at the hospital, but Matt refuses her blood. Stefan was also highly honorable, noble, brave, courageous, altruistic, and selfless, especially when it comes to the people he loves and cares about. Stefan ignores her warning and goes straight to saying what he should have said at her mom's funeral in hopes that it'll will her to turn her humanity back on. Tyler comes in to announce the problem of the week. Liam then starts giving a very graphicly detailed explanation, but Stefan interrupts Liam asking if there was there any biting. Stefan agrees and says that when they talk about denial he could say that in his head there was no way that Elena could stay a vampire forever, especially now when she doesn't have a family. When Stefan had first met Katherine, when she and Emily had come to stay at the Salvatore Estate, he had become strongly attracted to her and eventually had fallen in love with her, as did his brother Damon. Afterwards, Stefan convinces Bonnie to create a lapis ring for Caroline and begins to teach her how to live on the animal diet. Another night, Stefan and Katherine were spending a passionate night together when she suddenly bit Stefan. But after Damon's death he decides to break all his connections with his old friends, including Caroline, and start over, breaking her heart in the process. It was after their wedding that Stefan sacrificed his life to save Mystic Falls from hellfire and when Caroline learned of this called Stefan leaving him a message telling him, she understood his decision and would love him forever hoping he would get her message before he died which he did. From 1864 to 1912, Stefan lived on a strict animal blood diet and no longer fed on human blood. Stefan breaks up with Caroline some time before Valerie and Stefan begin a romantic relationship. Stefan reveals that he can't because he hates himself for what he did to her. While Stefan instructs Elena on using vampire speed, she is distracted by Stefan's touch. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". He talks to Alaric and tells him that he is still trying to find someone to resurrect Damon and Bonnie. Stefan took her off to the bathroom to clean the blood of her face. Stefan ask to her that she have the antidote to the ripper virus, and she answer that yes thanks to Enzo. Furthermore, given he was on the run for numerous years, he unlikely killed anyone during those years either. Stefan explains to Tyler and Caroline that the bullets were specially carved, and that if he were a normal vampire instead of a hybrid, he would be dead. In the novels, Stefan is Catholic and has a strong sense of faith, morals and values. The girls give up Ray Sutton' s location, a werewolf, but Klaus tells Stefan to kill the blonde quickly and make the runner suffer, before walking out. In Handle with Care, Stefan is located in the cabin of Qetsiyah, she tells him that is the day that Silas will die because he has taken the cure and that she will kill him, when Qetsiyah tries to leave the cabin they realize they are trapped by a spell cast by Silas. Initially, Damon Salvatore filled the passionate and angsty role of the "Other Guy" in every triangle. Caroline says that as his sober sponsor she's giving him the greenlight. The car pulls up. Damon ended up blaming Stefan for Katherine's capture although it was not ever Stefan's intention on hurting or betraying Damon and outing Katherine. Rebekah interrupts to say that it was not just any weapon, but Klaus tells her to not get ahead of the story. It was during that time when Stefan and Katherine were making love that Katherine revealed her true identity to Stefan and that she was a vampire. Not long after, the heretic problem seems to be forgotten as Stefan and Caroline go to Matt's deputy graduation, where the Heretics cause a massacre, killing everyone at the graduation. Enzo lets go to Bonnie, and tells Liv to take her to the second floor, he gets a wooden stick and he throws it at Stefan's chest, Stefan screams in pain. Finally, Stefan snaps his neck. Caroline gasps as his skin starts to desiccate, before Stefan falls to the pavement; dead. Elena is the ex-girlfriend and close friend of Stefan. He asked Lily if she knew about the telegram Valerie sent him saying she was coming back to him. At the boarder, Stefan puts barriers across the road, stopping people from getting in. and Klaus tells him to let her go as he will sacrifice everything good with her for his brother. Stefan knows four languages, English, French, Latin, and Italian, the later two less fluently. He starts provoking them with the idea that Elena's "choice" will shake them up a bit. Elena tells him how much she's enjoying her volunteer time at the hospital. Stefan goes up against Beau and nearly gets staked but is saved as Lily arrives and commands them to stop. "Welcome to the wonderful world of being a vampire.". Damon has to go and leaves Elena and Stefan alone, and they talk about their family tragedies. Stefan wakes up in the middle of the road by a crashed car and a dead body inside of the car. Damon meets Stefan who tells him to stop causing problems. In the novels, Stefan and Damon have never had a close relationship since their childhood. Stefan, quickly leaves Tripp with Enzo and goes to Caroline's dorm to warm her, however, she is not there. Stefan is preparing dinner when Ivy arrives. While Jeremy sketches the tattoo, Klaus finishes telling Stefan the story about the Five, and how they daggered all of the Original siblings. Stefan asks he what's wrong after she pushes him away, and they see that the veins in Elena's arms pulsate and look inflamed. Stefan hangs up; telling Caroline and the hybrid guards that they don't need the sword anymore. On the show, Stefan is shown to be particularly non-religious. She turns around, adjusts her shirt to show more cleavage, flips her hair, before she turns back around, throwing her jacket over her shoulder They she sticks her thumb up. Everyone are surprised and Stefan says that they have to question Elijah's impeccable taste if he's friends with her. Stefan says that it was her humanity, everything she had left but Damon responds by saying that humanity means nothing when you don't have anyone to care about anymore. Elena reveals that she never stopped loving him but Stefan seems troubled at the notion that she has feelings for Damon. Later at the Salvatore house Damon is Elena at the cellar and she is breathing heavily Damon says that she looks terrible, Elena says that she's hungry not that Damon cares but he said that he cares and that's the whole point he cares and she doesn't and its time for it to change he gives her a blood bag, It turns out its laced with vervain and asks her if she's hurt because he betrayed her or scared because its only going to get a lot worse, she runs for the door but Stefan stopped her and says if they want to play and see who breaks her or them first and it ends with Stefan closing the door.
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