In 2010, Phineas and Ferb featured gay singer Clay Aiken in his animated form in "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs To You!". ", she is shown slow-dancing with a woman. But they don't yell at each other because they're gay, they yell because they're real. [141] Val is voiced by queer actress Natalie Morales and Arnie is voiced by gay actor Stephen Guarino. He comments on the cologne, describing it as "potent" and "strong enough to bury anything", before remarking "I've smelt that aftershave before, and both times I've smelt a rat". Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Ruby Bartlett and Nancy even thought he did not like girls when Bond, posing as Bray, seduced them. [6] Pussy is a complex character morally, and more a lovable rogue than a villain, unlike Klebb. @DisneyChannel", "Se me ha comunicado que en el doblaje en espaol de Raine en #TheOwlHouse usan el pronombre masculino, pero en realidad, Raine usa elle. In the novel Kidd is nicknamed variously "Dolly" or "Boofy" (the latter nickname also used in the film), and Felix Leiter says he suspects Kidd probably shacks up with Wint, and says "some of these homos makes the worst killers". [160][161] Elsewhere, Burke promised that 50% of the characters in content created by the Disney General Entertainment would be "from minority groups. [76] These beliefs were also reflected by Klaudia Amenbar of The Mary Sue, calling Cass an "extremely gay-coded sword lesbian best friend" of Rapunzel. [153][154] As such, Disney has been criticized for its approach to LGBTQ representation as compared to Cartoon Network. It is the first same-sex kiss between the main characters in a Disney animated series. It was further stated that as a result, Mulan was the "perfect embodiment of a drag king" even though she maintains her heterosexuality as she is attracted to Li Sheng, comparing Mulan's interpretation of her sexuality to that of Bugs Bunny. [85] Anonymous staffers at Blue Sky interviewed by Business Insider bemoaned the cancellation of the film, calling it "heartbreaking," arguing that the film "didn't look like anything else in the animated world," and saying that they believe it will never "be completed and released. [121] It is being nominated for a GLAAD award for Outstanding Kids & Family Programming. [112] In the text of their video descriptions, the pair describe themselves as "just two girlfriends", qualified with an LGBT pride flag emoji. Characters who are either gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, or any other non-heterosexual orientation and/or non-cisgender gender identity that appears in Disney media. His older brother Sniff hired Lobo to rescue Slaz in exchange for Cuban cigars. "[7], Another same sex couple, the female assassins Bambi and Thumper can be seen in Diamond Are Forever, however, their relationship is much more ambiguous, and may not extend be more than professional. The series' Latin American dub in September 2021 was met with criticism by both viewers and Roque for portraying Raine as a cisgender male instead of non-binary. Her gang changes from trapeze artists into Pussy Galore's Flying Circus is still an all female gang, with lesbian overtones, while the character Denise is also played quite butch. On October 3, 2021, one of the creators of The Ghost and Molly McGee, Bob Roth, said there is LGBTQ representation in the show, which starts small and later includes main characters, and urged fans to "let it unfold naturally. That episode was co-written by Rachel Vine. Ralph Farquhar revealed that in The Proud Family, which aired on the Disney Channel from 2001 to 2005, they had to use "code to talk about if Michael was gay, to talk about sexuality" and to be "sort of underhanded about it." Ben Whishaw's Q is shown to be a gay man in No Time to Die, and is waiting for a male date in the film. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Spider-Man (Omniverse Exiles) . [124][125][126] Some critics countered that Pixar also downplayed queer moments in films like Luca and Turning Red. Gladys Bentley was an American blues singer, pianist, and drag entertainer during the Harlem Renaissance. In April 2019, it was shown that Jackie Lynn Thomas, a character in Star vs. the Forces of Evil, is bisexual. Wint and Kidd who never refer to each other by first name in the film of Diamond Are Forever are a gay male couple. A person's romantic attractions or desires (or lack thereof) toward other people. [67] Claiming "there is no heterosexual explanation" for Amity's action, Terrace responded, "there really isn't". ", "Disney promises LGBT 'commitment': 'We want to represent our audience', "Disney Films Have "Poor" LGBTQ+ Representation", "15 Times Disney Featured LGBTQ+ Characters In Movies & TV Shows", "Why token LGBTQ representation in Disney films isn't enough", "Why Disney Is Failing at LGBTQ+ Representation", "Camping Outside the Magic Kingdom's Gates: The Power of Femslash in the Disney Fandom", "Queering Disney animated films using a critical literacy lens", "From Disney to LGBTQ tales: The South-American Snow White in Over the Rainbow: Um Livro de Contos de Fadxs", "Disney Forbade Gravity Falls From Including LGBTQ+ Representation Says Creator", "17 gay and LGBTQ Disney characters - from coded to canon to catastrophe", "REPRESENTASI LGBTQ DALAM FILM ANIMASI DISNEY", History of homosexuality in American film,, Short description with empty Wikidata description, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 March 2023, at 13:30. Launched on January 19, 2022, this wiki is the primary Fandom-hosted resource for the English-speaking LGBTQIA+ community. [84] Sources told CBR that the film was "75% complete". Total Drama Franchise Wiki. Fordyce is a Bond ally, but also represents a mincing stereotype of a gay man. He forms part of the gay gentleman's outfitter trope, which can be found in British culture from sitcoms such as Are you being Served? [140], On September 21, 2022, Firebuds was released on Disney Junior and Disney+. Funkipedia Mods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [3] Trending pages. LGBT characters Category page. "[5][6], In June 2021, Luca was released on Disney+. "[78] The year before, in November, he called Cass a strong female character[79] and talked about the "real friendship bond" between her and Rapunzel in September of the same year. [117] Michael Collins, a recurring character from The Proud Family, was confirmed to be gender non-conforming and gay. Maybe tomorrow", "The storyboards for the dance. On February 1, 2023, The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder episode "BeBe" confirmed Makeup Boy to be gay as he and Michael are shown to be dating. ", probably the only hint in any of the films (including non-Eon) that Bond himself might be bisexual, or have had same-sex experiences. However, Bond manages to seduce her in both the book and the film, suggesting she is at least bisexual. [94] The film's director, Enrico Casarosa, said this was unintentional and that his original vision for the film was to explore the time in a child's life before romance,[95] but he has since welcomed the interpretation after the film's release, also stating: "While I identify with pronouns he/him and I am a straight man, the themes of diversity, acceptance and inclusion in our movie are dear to my heart". Sir Hilary appears in other iterations, in the books and other films, but this aspect of him is not mentioned. View source History Talk (0) LGBT characters Trending pages. Brooklyn is voiced by non-binary actor Indya Moore. This section is in need of major improvement. However, both she and the male Polo seem to have a lingering obsession with Mata Hari, and also then her daughter Mata Bond when she turns up. Joy Harper. [157][158], In March 2022, leaked clips from a Walt Disney Company meeting showed the president of Disney General Entertainment, Karey Burke, explain to staff that she is a parent of "two queer children," and the production coordinator at Disney Television Animation, Allen Martsch, note that his team is trying to include "more trans and gender non-conforming characters" in Disney animations. Total Drama Franchise Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. We're excited to see the series continue to explore Luz and Amity's relationship and for younger LGBTQ viewers to see this wonderful and affirming message in their favorite show. Key events in LGBTQIA+ history around the world. [74], In September 2020, Amber Vanich, a story revisionist for Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure revealed that Cassandra "Cass" was gay coded, with sapphic looks toward the story's protagonist, Rapunzel, and that some of these feelings are shown in the episode about memory loss. Frau Hoffner is a more ambiguous character in the 1967 Casino Royale. [32] Both began a relationship, in Weisman's words, after spending a lot of time together as teammates, and said that she "loved and mourned Cassidy. Its a reminder that in 1955, when Moonraker was published, homosexual acts were still criminal offences.[15]. It is a community of individuals who identify as neither heterosexual (attracted solely to the opposite sex) and / or cisgender (identifying solely as the gender they were assigned at birth). Some Bond actors and directors have also been LGBT in real life notably Ben Whishaw and Tula . Learn more Black History Month is an observance period in the United States for remembering and recognizing important people and events in the history of the African-American community, as well as their achievements and contributions to the progress of the country. Disney and LGBT representation in animation, History of LGBT characters in animation Up to the 1990s, History of LGBT characters in animation: 1990s, History of LGBT characters in animation: 2000s, History of LGBT characters in animation: 2010s, History of LGBT characters in animation: 2020s, National Expert Commission of Ukraine on the Protection of Public Morality, LGBT representation in animated web series, List of animated films with LGBT characters, List of cross-dressing characters in animated series, Netflix and LGBT representation in animation, "The evolution of queer characters in children's animation", "The Blazing Dragons of Monty Python's Terry Jones", "The rise of queer representation in LGBT cartoons", "Making Waves: In "Luca" and "Wolfwalkers," Monstrousness Is a Queer Metaphor", "Once Again, Disney Attempts to Co-opt Pride Month", "Owl House Was Canceled Due To Exec Deciding It Didn't Fit the Disney Brand", "The Owl House: Disney Animated Series' LGBTQ+ Relationship is No Longer Subtext", "The five TV shows you should be watching this week "The Owl House" (Disney Channel)", "Disney's Gay Agenda: How Disney Is Helping To Normalize The Gay Character", "Here's a Brief History of Queer Children's Cartoon Characters", "15 Disney Characters Confirmed (Or Speculated) To Be Queer", "LBGTQ audiences and artists helped save Disney", "Gay families in Disney movies only a matter of time, says Lion King animator Andreas Deja", "FILM; Gay-Bashing, Villainy and the Oscars", "Disney Blames #MeToo For Li Shang's Absence From 'Mulan' In New Controversy", "Mulan: Disney drop character following #MeToo movement", "Mulan" Love Interest Li Shang Was Reportedly Split Into Two Characters Because of MeToo", "Disney's Mulan Is Even MORE Homoerotic in Live-Action, if That's Possible", "Why Is Li Shang Not in Disney's Live-Action 'Mulan? LGBTQIA+ means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, plus many more included in these terms. You can see by if there's anything pride around the background or character. [15], A show created by Terry Jones and Gavin Scott, Blazing Dragons, aired on Teletoon in Canada, Spacetoon in Arab countries, and Canal+ in France from 1996 to 1998. [89] In April 2022, it was announced that Annapurna Pictures revived the film and will be releasing it on Netflix in 2023. Characters in Lost that are known to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. The history of LGBT characters in James Bond is a complex one. "[51] The film was later described as "a superhero tale with diversity oozing out of every animated frame," with note of Chavez having two mothers.[52]. In the book, she is described unflatteringly: as "a toad-like figure in an olive-green uniform which bore the single order of Lenin", a "squat face" which "broke into a sugary smile", and "the Head of Otydel II, the department of SMERSH in charge of Operations and Executions, hitched up her skirts and sat down. Scene Featuring Trans Man and Period Products Fuels Online Discussion", "The Owl House New York Comic Con Panel Was A Bittersweet Return For A Beloved Show", "The Owl House: Thanks To Them Review - This Mama Wasn't Ready For Trauma", "Disney Offers Exclusive Looks at 'Strange World,' 'Baymax!' [45][46][47] These two characters would be the first same-sex couple featured in a Disney Junior pre-school series. She also noted that due to the pandemic, budgets were constrained, episodes were cut, and noted that she wasn't allowed to present a case for a fourth season, and said she believed there was a future for the show if Disney Television had "different people in charge. In the episode "Mazel Tov, Libby! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [104] The teen version of Raine Whispers is also voiced by a non-binary actor Blu del Barrio.[105]. This was a collaboration between Hayley Foster and myself. Aside from the aforementioned terms, there are multiple other sexual orientations and gender identities. Since Ian Fleming created the character, there has been a massive seachange in attitudes towards LGBT+ people at most levels of western society. Trending pages. & 'Zootopia+' at Annecy", "Who Is Makeup Boy on "The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder"? [48], On September 30, 2018, Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors aired on the Disney Channel and Disney XD. Raoul Silva makes a sexual advance to Bond while torturing/questioning him in Skyfall. [103] The episode also has Luz and Amity asking each other out, officially becoming a couple. When not inclusive of transgender people, the shorter term LGB is still used instead of LGBT. [134], On May 14, 2022, Sasha was confirmed to be bisexual and General Yunan and Lady Olivia become a same-sex couple in the Amphibia series finale. "[159][160], In April 2022, Peter C. Kunze, a historian at Tulane University argued that there is a "long history of LGBTQ audiences and employees supporting, even saving, the company from veritable demise." [70], In the August 2020 episode of The Owl House, titled "Understanding Willow", one of the main characters (Willow Park) is shown to have two dads (Gilbert and Harvey Park). [66], On July 7, 2020, Dana Terrace, the creator of The Owl House, implied a romantic subtext between Amity and Luz, when responding to a fan who posted a screenshot from the upcoming episode "Enchanting Grom Fright" on Twitter, which showed one of the characters in the show, Amity Blight, putting her hands on the shoulders of Luz Noceda, the show's main protagonist, and looking into Luz's eyes. The LGBT term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which began to replace the term gay (or gay and lesbian) in reference to the broader LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s. In previous episodes, Luz had shown interest in male characters but had begun to grow closer to Amity., When Can Homophobia Live and Let Die? Terrace confirmed Luz as bisexual in a Reddit AMA in September 2020. LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for "Lesbian (L), Gay (G), Bisexual (B), Transgender (T), Queer (Q), and other identities (+)". She stated that this was the case due to the serialized nature of the show and an audience which "skews older," rather than due to its LGBTQ+ representation, saying she wouldn't "assume bad faith" against those she works within Los Angeles. At another point, Mr. Kidd remarks that Tiffany Case is attractive, " for a lady," after which Mr. Wint looks at him jealously. At one point, when Q introduces Evelyn Tremble to Fordyce, he says "New man? Google searches ping after Disney president Karey Burke says she has pansexual child", "Why don't we see LGBT parents portrayed in children's films? @melissavcomedy & #DanaDavis guest star as Ally and Jess, robot-loving "IT Gals" whose expertise helps Polly bring her beloved Frobo back to life, in the new episode of #Amphibia, premiering Oct. 30 on #Disneychannel #DisneyNOW", "YEP! This category is for characters who are LGBTQ+. [113][114], On November 6, 2021, the Amphibia episode "Sprig's Birthday" was released, in which, during a brief scene, a marriage proposal is taking place between two men, with one of them, Tyler, having arranged with a stunt plane to spell the words "Will You Marry Me?" Check out a special clip! On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Home Fan Central BETA Games Anime Movies TV Video Wikis Explore Wikis . "[98] The same reviewer also said that fans shouldn't look to "giant corporations for continual queer representation" and expressed their frustration at the end of The Owl House after its third season airs. [75] She also said that there were many "queer women who boarded scenes [of] Cassandra," and that women-love-women vibes were ingrained in every drawing she did of the character. Snake had been in a relationship with Slaz since they met at Oblivion. I have been told many times that men have no way of writing strong women and all I can say is, when given the opportunity to write strong characters, I and the talented writers on the show chose to pull from the very strong women in our own lives", "The name "Cassandra" came early into her creation. Blue Boombox. LGBT Characters Category page. LGBT Characters Category page View source Characters who were either homosexual, bisexual or transgender. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. She reappears in the novel Trigger Mortis. ", suggesting she has no romantic interest in Bond at this time, or men in general. Strange World, which was released on November 23, 2022, features Ethan Clade, who is the first gay lead character in a Disney animated film. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Category for the characters who are : gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. It is subtly hinted that he may be in a relationship with Q, if so that would make this film's Q the first gay one until Ben Whishaw. [132], On April 16, 2022, Boscha was hinted to have two moms in The Owl House episode "Them's the Breaks, Kid" as two Hexside students bear a resemblance to Boscha. A few conservative Christian commentators decried the promotional homosexuality in the 2013 film Frozen, owing to the results of Elsa's being different from others, her ostracism from society, and her independence and rejection of male suitors, are metaphors for lesbianism. Characters who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. In April 2016, Greg Weisman, the producer of Season 2, said that Irma is a lesbian, only interested in "guys that are obviously out of reach," trying to be straight, but by doing this, she is "guaranteeing that she won't have to actually wind up with a guy" and when she comes close, she "comes close to landing one of them, she bolts." Antimatter. [36][37][38], On February 15, 2016, series finale of Gravity Falls, aired on the Disney Channel featured Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland confirmed as a gay couple.[39][40][41]. The series includes Barry and Randall Leibowitz-Jenkins as the adoptive parents of Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, an interracial gay couple. A. Amethyst. This category is for LGBTQ+ characters in both the mainstream Riordanverse and the Rick Riordan Presents imprint. Jed Midnight warns Bond, that if Pussy's interest in Tilly Masterston is not stopped, soon Tilly "would be parting her hair three ways". LGBTQIA+ means L esbian, G ay, B isexual, T ransgender, Q ueer, I ntersex, A sexual / A romantic / A gender, plus many more included in these terms. Please help improve this article by editing it. ", She also notes that her portrayal in the novel is more feminine than in the film.[2]. Anyone can register for an account to contribute to and expand this wiki. Rebecca Sugar argued that it is really heavy for a kid to only exist as a villain or a joke in an animated series. [106] The character has also been portrayed as a cisgender male in other dubs. [64] Also in April 2020, DuckTales, premiered two characters, Indy and Ty, the guardians of Violet Sabrewing and the foster fathers of Lena Sabrewing, who were slated to be recurring characters. The seventh short film in the SparkShorts series, it is both Disney's and Pixar's first short to feature a gay main character and storyline, including an on-screen same-sex kiss. View source History Talk (0) Here are characters who are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community: . Both of them are sadists. Tom Friendly; Arturo . LGBTQIA+ people who are icons to the community. He said this changed with The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder with the biggest changes to the show were "gender identity, obviously racial identity and quote-unquote wokeness, and said that sexuality can be "sort of in your face with it a lot more," manifesting itself in the storytelling. Auric Goldfinger leaves little doubt about the nature of Pussy Galore and her gang in the novel of Goldfinger, saying "it is a lesbian organisation". Alexander is voiced by John Early, a gay actor. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. to the Fast Show, and speaks with an extremely camp voice. LGBT Characters Category page. Meet the woman leading the LGBT cartoon revolution", "TV animators were forced to scrap LGBTQ-inclusive storylines due to a culture of fear. The team included America Chavez, the first Latina, and lesbian, superhero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, who had already appeared in animated shorts titled "Marvel Rising: Initiation". aired on ABC Kids, ABC Family, and Toon Disney, along with France 3 in France. This is the first time one of Bond's "support team" has been shown to be openly gay, but it was not made obvious in earlier appearances of Ben Whishaw's previous portrayals of the character. This category also only applies to contents relating to the original character.
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