I am stuck in challenge 6. Trailblazer CommunityTrailhead, ApexSalesforce Developer, Trailhead vol2. Test callout logic insert emiListToBeUpdated; @isTest MaintenanceRequestHelper.createNewMaintenanceRequest(Trigger.oldMap,Trigger.newMap); Product2 pr = new Product2(); public static Vehicle__c buildVehicle(){ Create and follow custom learning playlists. Please help me out, have you solved this if yes please help me, i have already used Queueable interface for WarehouseCalloutService class now i m stuck on step 5 with Test class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest , can you please help me with Test class code ,underlying is the Queueable interface code of WarehouseCalloutService class. id equipmentId = equipment.Id; System.debug(vehicleId+ +equipmentId); case somethingToUpdate = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId); private static void testMaintenanceRequestNegative(){ Decimal maintenanceCycle = 0; }. for(case req : requestList){ Apex Specialist. system.assert(allRequest.size() == 1); } I am working on "Advanced Apex Specialist" Superbadge but I am not able to pass challenge 1 as it keeps on showing me that Select one label is not created. System.debug(*** Total cases (expected 600): +numberAllCases); Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Step 3 Issue . System.debug(*** Updated cases: +caseToUpdate.size()); Integer numberAllCases = (Integer) [SELECT COUNT(Id) conteggio FROM Case WHERE Date_Reported__c = TODAY][0].get(conteggio); Skip to content. With that being said, it seems like you need more understanding of the apex coding language in general. A place where magic is studied and practiced? All rights reserved, Salesforce Advanced Apex Specialist Trailhead Superbadge, .. mark it public and tick the disable auto archive checkbox and use the description text given, TechForce Services Makes a Big Impact with its Cutting-Edge Solutions, Make sure you create the Custom metadata records with the exact same names given (that matches the product families), In the constants apex class, declare all the, OrderTrigger should use the Orderhelper internally for the rollup, in the pageblock table columns, use the field labels as headers using$ObjectType, update the column values to use the productRecord fields inside the productwrapper, use apex:chart to display the horizantal bar chart in a separate pageblock above the table, reRender the required components from the Save and Add buttons, Make the Controller class Without Sharing, replace the list of products with list of productwrapper, iterate thru the productWrapper and extract the products and pricebookentries and insert them separately, use try catch block and do a rollback if there are any errors, move the chart data initialisation logic to Chart Helper class, Make sure all the methods in the TestDataFactory class are, all the construct methods should create the mentioned objects with the required fields and unique names and return the records without inserting them. It should work. }, public static void updateNewMaintenanceRequest(List newList){ Product2 product = [SELECT Id, Name, isActive, Maintenance_Cycle__c, Replacement_Part__c FROM Product2 WHERE Name = test LIMIT 1]; for(Integer i=1;i<=1000;i++){ Please note that I also have separate method to cover positive and negative scenarios. } List caseToUpdate = new List(); SELECT Id, Maintenance_Request__c, Equipment__c , Quantity__c For that, I would suggest the following udemy course: Salesforce Development Course. newCase.Subject=subjectCase; pr.Name = (String)productMap.get(name); Please edit your answer to include an explanation of your code. pr.Maintenance_Cycle__c = (Integer)productMap.get(maintenanceperiod); newEquipment.Name = Dummy Equipment; 3 Answers. Here I have no idea what the input is nor what the output is supposed to be. newCase.Vehicle__c=vehicle; }. same error for me too.. can you please help me out, hi vehicleToEquipmentMap.put(MRRecord.Vehicle__c,EquipmentIDListUpdate); }. } return cs; @isTest oldNewCaseMap.put(c.Id,newCase); }, private static Map
getItemsInOldCases(List caseList){ for(Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c EMIRecord: EMIList){ newCase.Date_Reported__c=Date.today(); One question, how does the map newCases get updated with the new Case IDs following the insert tmpCases? Eigenmann & Veronelli un Gruppo internazionale che nasce nel 1910 leader nella distribuzione di specialit chimiche e ingredienti alimentari per l'industria.. Con circa 340 dipendenti e . Id oldCaseId = item.Maintenance_Request__c; Currently there arent any specific certification related to health cloud. newCase.Date_Due__c=newDate; private static void linkEquipmentsToNewCases( Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c e = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); Vehicle__c vehicle = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Vehicle__c WHERE Name = car LIMIT 1]; } Does ZnSO4 + H2 at high pressure reverses to Zn + H2SO4? Map vehicleToEquipmentMap = new Map(); newMRRecord.Subject=Routine CheckUp + date.today(); A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Apex Specialist Superbadge Null Reference on Challenge 4. if(response.getStatusCode() == 200) I can fairly understand parts of it but never get the compete picture. Change the labels for Case and Product To Maintenance Request and Equipment respectively. list equipmentList = new list(); Trailhead solution for Apex Specialist superbadge. newCases.add(newCase); Start a discussion in the forum to get straight-up answers. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I highly doubt the entire quest would have changed. maintenanceNew.Status = 'New'; Learn directly from Salesforce experts. Hey Ms ! GROUP BY Maintenance_Request__r.ID ]; public static void testPositive(){ I used this code for MaintenanceRequestHelper: public with sharing class MaintenanceRequestHelper {. List items = mapOldCasesWithItems.get(idOld); Apex specialist superbadge challenge 4. List createdCases = [Select Id from Case where Type = Routine Maintenance]; Dont forget to create the chatter group , update the product trigger to handle only, Override the New and Edit buttons under the Order object to use the OrderEdit visualforce page. Please List newEMIRecordList = new List(); Change the CodesGo to Developer console and edit the Apex class and related triggers for below: Issue with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 2? , Test.setMockMock Closing a Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance did not create of a new . system.assertEquals(newReq.Type, REQUEST_TYPE); Challenge 2: Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system. As it's currently written, it's hard to understand your solution. Case newCase = new Case(); Integer numberOfDays = Integer.valueOf(leastValueMap.get(c.Id).Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c); if(MRRecord.Type==Routine Maintenance){ for(AggregateResult res :wpc){ Please update challenge 6 and all the respective things related to it. if(maintenanceCycle==0){ newCase.Vehicle__c=vehicleId; } Apex Specialist. I have followed all your steps correctly, But Im still having this error every single time in 3rd challenge. Hi guys, I'm almost finished with the test to get tge Apex Specialist SuperBadge, I attempt to validate the "Test automation logic" but I can't really see what is my error or why is not passing. So glad you cared to share this. Test.startTest() Test.stopTest() , , startTeststopTest, A. Super BadgeUnlockTipsTrailheadTipsUnlock Work fast with our official CLI. If you search regarding Apex on YouTube you'll find many more channels and videos. Honestly, I suggest reviewing the trailheads leading up to the apex super badge since the apex specialist Superbadge tests you on those core concepts. Go to Setup > Apex Classes > Schedule a job like below: Edit the following in the Developer console. } for(Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c emi : emiList){ to use Codespaces. Salesforce[] [] [], REST API newEMIRecord.Quantity__c=EMIRecord.Quantity__c; I dont see why there would be a Equipment__c lookup established with the Maintenance Request (Case) Object here, since the ERD clearly shows that the link is with the Equipment Maintenance Item Object (which can be found in the related list). if(!EquipmentIDListUpdate.contains(EMIRecord.Equipment__c)){ for(Id oldId : oldIdCases){ } @istest List wpc= [ I will try and review that shortly and update the required. return result; Hot Network Questions So with that I could solve it. insert vehicle; product2 equipment = new product2(name = SuperEquipment, } test.stopTest(); list allRequests = [select id List EMIList = new List([SELECT Maintenance_Request__c,Maintenance_Request__r.Vehicle__c,Equipment__c, Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c,Quantity__c FROM Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c WHERE Maintenance_Request__r.Vehicle__c IN: newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList]); // This object is available in API version 17.0 and later. emiListToBeUpdated.add(e); Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c newItem = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); if(Trigger.isInsert){ newCase.Comments = New comment!; Apex @future newCase.Origin=web; Ask Question Asked 1 year, 3 months ago. insert equipmentList; for(integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){ Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. product.Maintenance_Cycle__c = 2; use the Insert method to call all the construct methods and then insert the records returned from those methods. Map mapOldCasesWithItems = getItemsInOldCases(caseList); } Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers We Swear By! system.debug(newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList +newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList); for(Integer i_fail = 0; i_fail < 300; i_fail ++){ Is there a resource that I can go through that could help my understanding of apex broaden out and then attempt this superbadge. List newEMIRecordList = new List(); Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2, What is wrong with my code on Trailhead challenge Developer Beginner > Apex Triggers > Bulk Apex Triggers, Apex Lightning upload fail because missing test class, How can I modify the meta data of any field using apex, How do i write test class for below apex code, Lightning Web Component Specialist Super badge: Challenge 7, Trailhead Superbadge Logic to create Junction Object, Apex Specialist Challenge 1 too Many DML Rows, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. salesforce Share Improve this question Follow Thanks again buddy. System.assertEquals(1000,createdCases.size()); Need help for Challenge 4- can some one help me pls. MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateNewMaintenanceRequest(Trigger.new); I am getting Variable does not exist: MaintenanceRequestTest error. } As bejng the solo running admin to this page i might not be able to update the solutions on short notice. for(Case MRRecord: newList){ This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Apex specialist superbadge challenge 4. CronTrigger is similar to a cron job on UNIX systems. newItem.Quantity__c = item.Quantity__c; system.debug('leastValueMap '+leastValueMap); for(Case c : caseList){ Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Test.startTest(); maintenanceNew.Type = 'Other'; update emptyReq; Install the unmanaged package for the schema and stubs for Apex classes and triggers. Hard times, Challenge 1 : Automate record creation The followings are the challenges to earn this badge: Automate record creation using Apex triggers. ApexSchedulable , execute, Please update challenge 6 as well as all the related material. I just started Salesforce one and a half months ago. Hey itachi, try debugging the code and look where the issue is. Retry the process aforementioned. jaran@wezana.solutions, @isTest }, Hey sam! } insert workPartList; test.startTest(); for(Case MRRecord: newList){ } REST APIJSONJSONApex ObjectJSON, , VisualforceLightning ComponentApexApexApex Make sure you create the Custom metadata records with the exact same names given (that matches the product families) In the constants apex class, declare all the properties as public static. SELECT Maintenance_Request__r.ID cID, MIN(Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c)cycle test.stopTest(); list allRequest = [select id newMRRecord.Date_Reported__c=date.today(); List newCaseList = new List(); Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. newMRRecord.Date_Due__c=date.today(); Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. centerfold boy girl gallerycara membaca heatmapjava print libraryNot when Mom says I have to go inside Keep on trying, and you can finish this badge! Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void CreateData(Integer, Integer, Integer, String) from the type MaintenanceRequestHelper. upsert newProducts; Help with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 3? Schedule synchronization | Apex Specialist | Salesforce wonder studies 5.77K subscribers Subscribe 241 Share Save 59K views 7 months ago Superbadge Apex Specialist PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU. check if u have creted a process builder , i did create a proces builder and deactivated and it worked for me. What am I doing wrong here in the PlotLegends specification? request.setEndpoint(WAREHOUSE_URL); Start a discussion in the forum to get straight-up answers. System.debug(*** Updated cases: +caseToUpdate.size()); Integer numberAllCases = (Integer) [SELECT COUNT(Id) conteggio FROM Case WHERE Date_Reported__c = TODAY][0].get(conteggio); Maintenance Request to the same vehicle . HttpResponse response = http.send(request); 2023 TechForce Services. Showcase your mastery of business process automation without writing a line of code. new List(); Invalid type: Schema.Work_Part__c, Use variable as ProductId instaed of Equipment__c Map productMap = (Map) p; If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. It did not work for me. }. Discover your ideal career. Apex Specialist is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead (A New Approach to Learning Salesforce) . newCases.add(newCase); insert tmpCases; public static Map getDueDate(List CaseIDs) { where Maintenance_Request__c = :newReq.Id]; system.assert(workPart != null); They do give you a template and a requirements sheet. If you don't get the complete picture of super badge, you can jot down the requirements and connect them(like a process flow diagram). The major problem that I have with superbadges is just understanding the question I have always known the input and output when I did programming. List externalProducts = (List) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody()); What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? if(vehicleToEquipmentMap.get(MRRecord.Vehicle__c)!=null){ newCase.Subject=Routine Maintenance of Vehicle; Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: ( Automate record creation ), I face this error what can I do please Help me. Use the naming conventions specified in the requirements document to ensure a successful deployment. String joBID= System.schedule(TestScheduleJob, CRON_EXP, new WarehouseSyncSchedule()); Http http = new Http(); Paste it below to help someone else looking. Hi Shaid, Please use below code:-. pr.Cost__c = (Integer)productMap.get(cost); newEMIRecord.Quantity__c=EMIRecord.Quantity__c; Accelerate learning across your organization. Check the name of the apex class created and match it in same fashion. Date newDate = Date.today(); if(result.get(oneCase.Id)!=null) { salesforcedx-cli vs-code trailhead sfdx-plugin superbadges Chuck 805 asked Jan 22, 2021 at 0:05 6 votes 2 answers 5k views Apologies for m caught quite off guard at this moment. }, @isTest static void test_triggerMaintenanceRequestHelperTest() {. Apex It is nothing but the name of the class created earlier. This Superbadge challenge changed on 9th December 2020 , is above code for updated challenge? request.setMethod(GET); Lightning Experience Specialist newItem.Equipment__c = equipmentId; @TestSetup This was my last superbadge and by completing thisAdvanced Apex Specialist Superbadge, I became eligible forPlatform Developer II certificate. Use above code for step 5 and then use system assert with constant 0 and returned value will be 0. }, PRIVATE STATIC Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c createWorkPart(id equipmentId,id requestId){ insert workP; test.startTest(); Refresh the page, check. insert equipment; where Maintenance_Request__c in: oldRequestIds]; system.assert(allRequests.size() == 300); +2,000 points ~1 hr App Customization Specialist Superbadge I am not able understand the issue, can you please help?? I have access to udemy too so could someone mention a course or something. newCase.Date_Reported__c = System.today(); workPartList.add(createWorkPart(equipmentList.get(i).id, requestList.get(i).id)); You signed in with another tab or window. With that being said, it seems like you need more understanding of the apex coding language in general. Map result = getDueDate(caseList); for(Case oneCase : caseList) { newProducts.add(pr); Stuck on Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 4? pr.Replacement_Part__c = (Boolean)productMap.get(replacement); Please lemme know if works. Also various YouTube videos and blogs exist. Thanks for letting know. Actions to Earn This Superbadge Automate record creation using Apex triggers product.Name = test; Advanced-Apex-Specialist-Salesforce-Super-Badge.
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