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Because of his protectiveness towards Davina, Marcel doesn't hesitate to kill any witch that practices magic in the French Quarter to keep them from finding her. Klaus is very cocky and starting to get pissed. She is reluctant to hand over the dagger as Kol gave it to her for protection, and she'll decide if it gets used. It is unknown if he would have been strong enough to pull it out if it had gone into his chest like Mikael or Klaus could. Watching Davina scream and cry out Marcel's name and him being unable to help, ugh hand me the tissues please. Soldiers of The Brotherhood of the Damned , Marcel and Kieran (Friends/Former Allies), Marcel and Diego (Close Friends/Former Allies), Marcel and Joe Dalton (Close Friends/Former Allies/Fellow Soldiers), Marcel and Sofya (Former Enemies/Former Allies/Ex-Fling). typically the most even-keeled of the Mikaelson brothers, killed Marcel (the good ol' heart punch, a tried and true Mikaelson family method), at the end of the episode we found out that wasn't the case. However, Marcel explains that he's only anchoring the spell to New Orleans and she could have left anytime she wanted. Klaus confronts Marcel and demands to know what the deal is with the witches. With no way of bringing her back, Marcel clutched Davina's hand and cried over her body, shattered by the loss of a girl who saw him as her guardian. When he got a boyfriend during season 2 I was so excited considering he was a werewolf and Josh was a vampire (They weren't allowed to be together). Who Is Daisy Kelliher From Below Deck Sailing Yacht | Let The Ride Begin! He's very competitive too. Later, Marcel met with Elijah and the two celebrated, having orchestrated the entire affair for Marcel to become leader as they now had disarmed much of The Strix's threat and had an army of ancient vampires as allies. In Exquisite Corpse, he found that Davina was kidnapped by Eva after he learns of her criminal past from Vincent and is reunited with her once she and the other kidnapped victims are saved from Eva. Marcel had Josh ask Davina for help finding them and they found their bodies, covered in werewolf bites, having been tortured and torn apart near the site of Jackson's death. And Haylijah fans will be happy to hear that . He was one of the most formidable vampires who was always there for his family. Cami and Vincent met him at his gym and questioned him on the recent murders in the city where it looked like compulsion was involved. Broken neck (as a human)Heart Extraction (as a vampire) Fact of the day! According to #ourworldindata, one third of all food produced in a year goes to waste. Similarly, Marcel was also stronger than the Originals and Klaus, fighting them with ease. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. Kol's fury persisted until Davina and Vincent managed to make magic unable to influence the bar again. What episode does Lucien die? While having a toast, Klaus calls Marcel out on his acting. He introduces Hayley to the Vampires, He warns them about protecting Hayley. Tyler is filling the vampires in on Klaus' past of becoming a hybrid. Marcel regrouped with Tristan and Aya at his loft, giving Tristan Klaus' blood to heal from the werewolf bites he had received during his captivity. By Samantha Highfill August 01, 2018 at 10:00 . As a child, he used to tell her he would "marry her one day". Family Members Cami represents an allure to Marcel and he is also protective of Cami. In Wild at Heart, Marcel attended a dinner Aya hosted with some of The Strix inner circle. The mayor steps up as well as the chief of police, they tell them they can co-exist peacefully as long as they listen to the humans. Marcel Gerard (Season 3, episode 21) Who killed Marcel Gerard the originals? In the Originals, Jackson dies after being stabbed in the gut with a piece of wood by Marcel. When Marcel revealed the divination card showing his intentions, he was surprised himself to see that it displayed a loyal knight, much to his relief. Marcel confronted her on the streets with his allies and Sofya submitted, but refused to give him her employer's name. In A Walk on the Wild Side, Marcel is initiated into the Strix with Hayley's help as a way to determine their plans towards Klaus and the other Originals. She says she'd think about it, then leaves. The witches had hexed Kieran and he later turned into a vampire. However, he is not dead yet! It was because of this that Marcel created a rule against people abusing children in the Quarters. Marcel is unfazed by Klaus' threats and coldly tells him he can either use it on him or go back to his stupid party but he starts to get concerned when Klaus gleefully threatens to kill his friends. Is Marcel killed in Season 4 of the originals? Only the relief part is that Marcel is very much alive!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'viebly_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',636,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-leader-3-0'); The character of Kol Michaelson is no more in the show. Marcel Gerard According to Marcel, Saving Rebekah's life and using his blood are the main reasons. When did Keelin and Freya get married? ago. When Elijah stopped him and ripped his body, he thought that Marcel was yet to consume the magical serum. Marcel Gerard (season 3 episode 21) is a character in the show. Hayley and Marcel then met up with Vincent, Elijah, and Klaus to track down the children. Chapter Text. Marcel then gets his nightwalkers inside, and inside the nightwalker bar he confronts Josh about being a spy for Klaus. Josh died in season 5 episode 10.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'viebly_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',637,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-leader-4-0'); One of the saddest deaths in the season finale of the series was indeed the death of Elijah Mikaelson. Marcel and Vincent drove out to the mansion's grounds where they discussed the past of their city, and Vincent's attempt long ago to find a power that could have defeated Marcel and brought the witches out from under his thumb. Elijah arrived, stabbing him in the back with a large piece of wood. Marcel makes her a deal. The fight seemed to be going poorly, with Mohinder easily beating down Marcel. Probably an unpopular opinion right here but Marcel is my favorite character in the entire show. He brought him out and then offered Alistair a sword that had been washed in Marcel's venom, poisonous to Klaus. No, Marcel did not die in the Originals. I had told you.She is that dramatic! Unpleased by the Cami stunt, Marcel gives her a dressing down in a manner that can almost be equated to threats. Supernatural information Oprah Winfrey! At that time he did not think of using his blood. "I'm immortal. Klaus says the French Quarter is Marcel's home and if he is welcome, he would like to stay for awhile. Does Marcel die in the Originals? In the second season, Josh and Marcel began rebuilding their decimated vampire community by choosing the best candidates for vampirism and turning them to increase their numbers. Marcel was awoken by Aya dumping water on him and she explained that she and her friends could help Marcel with both his need of blood bags and daylight rings for his vampires. Does Marcel die on the originals? So she takes a knife and stabs herself in the neck. We're going to need all the allies we can get. Later he breaks up with Sofya and goes to New York to be with Rebekah. She assured him it would be fine and he might feel warmth when the spell began but it would pass once it was broken. Now for those predictions: Davina and Cami are joining forces to take down Klaus? After collecting Lucien's blood, they brought it to Cami to drink but it proved unable to help aid her worsening condition. He would often spar with Elijah when Elijah needed to blow off steam. Unaware that Dahlia killed him, they believe that he was murdered by Klaus for his betrayal, and they mourn him together before Davina makes her way to Algiers, where Marcel is. Afterwards, Marcel intercepts Rebekah who was walking down the street. He initially refuses to help Klaus to investigate sacrificed vampires in the Cauldron. So when that day does come, and Elijah does return to the fold, he's thrown back into a relationship that he's been absent from, a brother that's been captive and had God knows what done to him over the last half a decade, and a crumbling Mikaelson dynasty in New Orleans that he feels very compelled to rebuild," Plec teased. However, Marcel is dismayed as they haven't found anything wrong with him. Hayley and Jackson had gotten married and raised Hope together despite the Mikaelson's always interfering. Klaus apologizes for Thierry's disloyalty. Manage Settings The End Of His Saga! Marcel considered using her for leverage but having a code of keeping kids out of trouble, took her to his friend Father Kieran instead, to give her a new life out of harm's way. Marcel brings back their point system to her attention, though Hope hasn't kept track of her points for a long time. It had to happen eventually and Morgan actually teased the reveal to TVLine, saying that Klaus isn't going to take that news very well. When Hope found it and gave it back to Marcel, he was in a pretty dark place, like she is now. He was initially made out to be the main antagonist of the series during the early episodes of the first season before it was revealed that he is actually a caring vampire with no ill intention, who was simply trying to protect Davina Claire, a young witch whose imposing hatred toward her coven served to help enforce his rule in the French Quarter. That would be exceptionally macabre and totally unnecessary. In An Old Friend Calls, Marcel returned to his loft to find that Josh and many of his other vampires had partied all night celebrating their de-siring from Klaus. He sacks him and takes him to Davina to get the compulsion wipe. The latter via decapitation, as he needed her death to resurrect Davina. After being attracted to Rebekah since childhood and finally falling under his feelings, Klaus gave him a choice: to undagger Rebekah and live out their days together until Marcel grows old or be turned into a vampire. In Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. #4 Josh | Does Marcel Die In The Originals? He went out of his way to save the nightwalkers on his territory when the Faction incited an attack on them, and has yet to be seen dealing with other vampires in ways other than snapping their necks, implying that he really does care for his own kind. Does Rebekah die in The Originals? In A Streetcar Named Desire, Marcel spoke to Davina as she made the final preparations to break the sire link. This isn't the first time Kol had died during the TVD/TO universe but this one I feel was more upsetting than the last. He offered to get Davina out of town but she denied his offer, believing she could handle herself. He scolded Elijah for daring to come back when he had nearly been killed by him the last time they faced each other. His sad demise was enough to make us weep for a few nights. The Vampire Diaries was one of the most successful shows that the CW network has ever had. As was the norm, the Mikaelson children fled New Orleans after his arrival, a long cat-and-mouse game they played with their father. Does Marcel die in Season 5 of the originals? He was charming, sarcastic, cruel and very good looking. In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Marcel went to the bar to find Kol, his clothes covered in blood, holding Davina's lifeless corpse. While attacking his own niece, Klaus came to save her and staked him. This character ended his journey on the show in season 3 episode 20. Elijah comes to Marcel's aide with Klaus. I still wish I would have seen the two have the life they wanted. They had a strong relationship however Marcel's love for Klaus' sister, Rebekah caused tension to which caused Klaus to give him an ultimatum, vampirism or Rebekah. Nobody is safe on The Originals if they're not a member of the Mikaelson family, as we saw in the penultimate . #6 Jackson Kenner | Does Marcel Die In The Originals? Who has the power now, friend?" He changed his temperaments according to his needs. When Vincent remained defensive and told Marcel to stay out of witch business, Marcel goaded him by asking if he was going to get another teenage girl to do his dirty work. Marcel in the end decides to wall Klaus inside the Lafayette cemetery while being tortured under Papa Tunde's blade. It was earlier shown that he is severely wounded and losing his senses. Does Marcel Die In The Originals? Believing that Marcel had yet to take the serum, Elijah rips his heart out and lets his body fall to the bottom of the river. Marcel possesses all the standard powers and abilities of an Upgraded Original Vampire but being only 200 plus years means he may have inferior strength and speed to Lucien who speed was so fast he was able to effortlessly dodge and anticipate any attacks that the Mikaelsons could physically throw. After a heated debate where Kol told Marcel he was never a Mikaelson, Marcel agreed with him, saying he was happy that he wasn't. And, according to Joseph Morgan, it's going to pick right up where it left off and shock us while it's at it. Just one of the biggest stars of the 1950s, no big deal. Their relationship had ended when Rebekah was exiled from New Orleans, never to return. Klaus admits that he was jealous, he saw what Marcel had built and he wanted it. Marcel tried to fight back as Davina screamed for him to help her but Elijah snapped his neck. This is clearly the best one. In Red Door, Hayley tells Marcel that the werewolf kids they rescue are in a safe house far north of the city. He then tells her he's also is in a predicament if he doesn't get her blood to Finn he's going kill every vampire by the hour. Marcel, who had been on good terms with the deceased husband and wife, went to their home soon after their murder to find their baby daughter still in her crib. Rebekah agrees with Tyler and doesn't want the baby to be born. The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Is it even possible to not like her? He got stabbed and killed. After waiting for ten agonizingly long months, "The Originals" returned to The CW. Played by He was welcomed back with open arms by Klaus, but was treated more coldly by Rebekah due to their past. Marcel examined the card Aya had offered him with The Strix's location and insignia on it. When Marcel declared there was only one justice and it was him, a freed Klaus appeared behind him and stabbed him with Papa Tunde's blade. She was thankful that she had Marcel in her life, and it is clear that Marcel would do anything for her. Marcel tries to stop her, but gets his neck magically broken. Marcel knew about Shen's reputation as a very dangerous vampire, so he called Elijah seeking advice on how to handle the situation, especially given Marcel's recent induction into The Strix. Who Died In The Originals Series? When Elijah demanded an exchange of Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura, Tristan complied but planned on overwhelming the Mikaelsons by bringing dozens of Strix members down on the Originals so they could seal them away with the Serratura during the exchange. Marcel says. Unlike previous synopses for episodes throughout the season, the synopsis for The Originals' Season 1 finale is strikingly vague. Marcel begs the Mikaelsons to help revive Davina. Marcel used his extensive knowledge of the city and his contacts in New Orleans to hide with the charter but was eventually found by Elijah. He was formerly an antagonist during the early episodes of the first season. This leaves Marcel in charge of the Quarter, once again; however, he was tricked by Klaus, yet again, into letting him live (as unknown to Marcel, the other Mikaelson Family members are linked to Klaus' life force) as long as Klaus is alive, they cannot be killed or die. Also, he tells Marcel that Klaus has to have a inside man. In Bag of Cobras, Marcel remains imprisoned in the same dungeon he chained Klaus in. Klaus is on his own and the battle begins. Marcel calls Klaus a dick for not telling him Rebekah was in town. Josh questioned why they still cared, saying Marcel had played undercover leader, now he could just send them away from New Orleans. In the trees or on the breeze. Father Kieran is waiting on them with the "humans". Elijah comes to Marcel for aid in looking for the white oak stake. He had fallen in love with Davina during that time and they were so happy which made this whole scene worse. Likewise, Kol tells her that Klaus would have wanted it this way. Marcel went to Davina who was working to try and figure out how to sever the sirelines, but also focused on bringing back Kol. In They All Asked For You, he helps Rebekah when she couldn't use magic against the Trem Coven. Hope questions if it worked because she's still here. The dying Marcel asked Klaus to turn him and against Klaus' wishes, he did so. Then Klaus, his mouth dripping with blood, tells him that his vampire friend will die before the weekend is over. Well, the vampire series has seen some very cruel deaths, heartbreaks, and unbelievable massacres. Marcel's mother had chosen not to name him until she was sure he would survive the fever but ended up succumbing to it herself before she could choose a name for him. Marcel then leaves his Loft with Josh and Davina inside of it. If she comes back with him, he'll give her ten points. If we are being fair here, I never did like the character of Jackson but that didn't mean I didn't feel bad for his death. However, Aya showed him The Cursed Stake she had used to take down Rebekah. She was impressed by his resolve and proposed that they take the conversation some place more private, where he wouldn't be trying to defend his pride in front of his men. He's not mad at her, Klaus comes in and has a little chat with Davina. by | Oct 29, 2021 | ccdc google earth engine | antecedent phrase of ako mananggete | Oct 29, 2021 | ccdc google earth engine | antecedent phrase of ako mananggete Klaus and Marcel are on a bench talking about Camille. Either way, here's what we're working with on Tuesday night, the synopsis for "From a Cradle to a Grave" reads: So we've got a lot of things, or rather, supernatural beings, at play here werewolves, witches, vampires, hybrids, humans and that's just naming a handful. She's not happy. Marcel was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1810 to a female slave and her owner, the Governor of Louisiana. Marcel had grown close to Rebekah over the years, training in the art of fencing with her since he was a boy. Morgan teased to Zap2It about the Season 1 finale about the Season 1 finale that it would include both no fear in killing off a character nor in having another character do something that would make them extremely unpopular. Marcel tried to break through to the Original, telling him despite never liking him even on the best of days, Kol clearly wasn't himself. I had a soft spot for Lucien considering all of the pain they had but him through for a thousand years. Marcel went back to his loft to be alone but was visited by Vincent who showed him he had the serum that had turned Lucien into an unstoppable monster, and offered it to Marcel, so what happened to Camille and Davina wouldn't go unanswered and that the Mikaelsons would finally answer for their crimes. He takes them all out after that. It's empty but then Marcel shows up. In A Closer Walk With Thee, Marcel returns to the Quarter to bury Kieran and help Cami. In Crescent City, Marcel and Rebekah grow concerned with the reemergence of Genevieve. Freya Mikaelson is considered the oldest original vampire. At The Abattoir he interrogates Kol. After she chooses to give up her life, the Harvest fails and he is heartbroken and devastated for the loss of Davina. The two briefly discussed how an innocent person was once again collateral damage in the chaos that surrounded the Mikaelsons. Five years after his transition into an Upgraded Original Vampire, Marcel was shown to be able to fight and throw Elijah around easily, with Elijah barely able to land any hits against Marcel. Unfortunately, when Van tried, the spell was unsuccessful since The Ancestors had already gotten to Davina's spirit and shredded her soul. Well, there's no way they're doing that without the help of ever-lurking Mikael. Kim K! 1 (TVD)90 (TO)1 (LGC)92 (total) In City Beneath The Sea, Marcel still helps the Originals against Dahlia. Marcel met Klaus in the 1800's in New Orleans, after being whipped and beaten on the side of the road, Klaus took him in, named and raised him as his son. SEE MORE: 10 Different Times "The Originals" Showed How Important Siblings Are. "what episode does aurora die in season 3" is a question that has been asked by many people. Marcel goads Alistair into fighting Klaus. Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. Marcel is out for blood! Once declaring that Mohinder had his ring, he had to fight him to get the ring back. She unexpectedly showed up at his loft, scoffing at his lack of accomplishments as a Strix member and accusing him of getting Davina's status as Regent revoked to thwart their efforts to activate their weapon. Marcel comforts Davina as she cries, and she hands over the gold dagger, allowing Elijah to use it to put down Klaus at the end of the episode. Marcel sent Josh to retrieve the prize but he was brutally beaten by Sofya and her vampires running the auction. However, her first death in season 1 episode 11 was too shocking to digest. That's what we found out on The Originals Season 3 Episode 21 after the Mikaelson siblings thought he was dead. Once they arrived at the Strix mansion, Marcel found a witch Zealot preparing to use the missing children in a spell. Also, like Klaus is also fond of a leather jacket he sometimes wears. In The Feast of All Sinners, Marcel joins forces with the Mikaelsons against The Hollow and he is the one to bring Hope's body to the Abattoir. I mean, can it get any better than this? That way, he could always be near. I fell in love with the show easily as it was a perfect match for TVD. Hayley called Marcel after she found Lucien Castle in Aurora's hideout, and Marcel learned that Aya had taken both Klaus and Elijah to begin the de-siring spell. Tristan agreed and asked him to come with them so he could see everything being a member of The Strix really had to offer him. If you watched The Vampire Diaries spin-off you know exactly what I'm talking about. Marcel asks Klaus if he compelled her to date him, he doesn't deny it. Klaus and Elijah had exiled Marcel from the Crescent City and Thierry had wanted to help his friend get the city back. In the fourth episode, Marcel faces Aya's mentor Mohinder, who is likely older than her and thus at the very least nine hundred plus years. Aya accepted the alternative, calling him a creative leader but Marcel warned her that if she crossed him again, he'd be just as creative in finding a way to kill her. Later, he asked Davina for help in creating daylight rings for his vampires but she refused, saying that as new Regent of the witches, she couldn't risk looking like a vampire sympathizer. After that, they have a meeting to discuss their plans. We have admired this character as our guilty pleasure. How is Vampire Diaries connected to The Originals? Marcel possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire but had an exceptional level of strength for a vampire his age which is best shown in his battles with Klaus. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. While Marcel can be seen as a hypocrite for claiming that he dislikes people who have betrayed their friends, when he himself has betrayed Klaus, he has never betrayed anyone unless they have plotted or done damage to him first as Klaus daggered Rebekah simply for loving him and kept them apart for 52 years, This caused Marcel to plot ways to be with Rebekah, even if it meant finding ways to get rid of Klaus, whom Marcel would likely no longer consider a friend after what he did to Rebekah. Later, Davina learned of the secrets Marcel had been keeping from her and lost her trust in him. Soon after, Klaus asked Marcel to join him in ruling New Orleans and Marcel agrees to become the co-vampire King of New Orleans at his side. He is also very brave, being one of the very few who can speak defiantly in Klaus' presence without worrying about his own life in the process. Rebekah is planning everything out but she feels a little guilty I think, but she says she regrets not doing this sooner. At the bar, Klaus and Marcel are having drinks until Klaus gets a call from the humans and they do not agree to his terms, then they get ambushed by wooden bullets and sunshine. Klaus says he does, because he mourned him for years after he escaped New Orleans and hugs him. She was sure that Elijah will save her. It is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries and the first television series expansion of the franchise based on its parent series.The series follows vampire-werewolf hybrid Klaus Mikaelson as he and his family become embroiled in the supernatural politics of the French Quarter . Cami's Uncle who was the original Vincent in season one was a character that I come to love. Marcel became very powerful, unbeatable, and a super-beast who now wants to kill his opponents and take his throne again! Elijah recognizes how angry Marcel is, and rips his heart out. Kol tries to teach Marcel Shakespeare, using compelled people and killing them in front of Marcel's eyes with the intent on turning Marcel and teaching him how to be a vampire. Born Hayley arrived, having returned to New Orleans with the Mikaelsons and explained her daughter was one of the kids at risk from the one responsible for taking the children. Klaus says that either he's lost his touch, or maybe Marcel had. He then gets a call from Cami telling him she'll use Finn's feelings as an advantage. Even though Klaus built the town, his father, Mikael, ran him out of it over a hundred years ago and now Marcel rules it. He tells his nightwalkers to watch over those two from respected posts. He then rescued his newly-born adoptive sister, hoping to use her as leverage to get Klaus to heal them all with his blood, but when he returned to the compound, the vampires were already dead. In You Hung the Moon, after Davina was attacked by another witch, Marcel told her that a show of force was needed. The lady love of Klaus, Cami O Connel also died in season 3 episode 19. In Aprs Moi, Le Dluge, Marcel tries to make peace with Davina but she is furious with him and doesn't want to see him. Does Marcel die? He asked Elijah to just comply with the added security and to stay put so The Strix could find the last white oak. Vincent demanded that Marcel get the Mikaelsons back to New Orleans so he could heal Hope from the power that was draining the life from her, even going so far as to say she was in a way, Marcel's sister, since he was Klaus' adopted son. She doesn't care about his game and questions why this decision is up to her. Marcel heads back to the tower to a visibly pleased Davina, but the young witch doesn't want to give Elijah back. Luckily for us, she didn't stay dead for long and came back for good. Marcel gave Kol a blood bag when he woke up, hoping to satiate his hunger and keep him calm. Marcel also seems to be understanding as shown in his quickness to forgive Klaus for biting his friend when Klaus gave him the cure and asked for forgiveness. He then goes with Hayley to help her find the missing Elijah and Oliver. After witnessing the cruel fight and massacre in season 3, fans are wondering is he dead or not? I know she's pretty controversial in terms of who likes her and who doesn't, but she is kind of famous for nothing (and also a millionaire) so that's pretty inspiring. You can also watch the spin-off series, Legacies on Netflix as well. Klaus compels Marcel again to kill Eva's body if Rebekah tries to escape. Read the details below!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'viebly_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Also, Read | Who Is Daisy Kelliher From Below Deck Sailing Yacht | Let The Ride Begin! Aya slashed him with a blade on her finger that was coated with a toxin of her own making. Marcel stated that he took the potion that turned him into an Upgraded Original Vampire (without the Mikaelson Family's knowledge), as he wanted to know how the Mikaelson Family truly felt about him and what would happen if they found him with the "serum", correctly predicting that if he didn't take the potion, he would've been dead due to Elijah's obsession and fear with the prophecy, while Klaus initially did try to reason with him, after discovering that the "serum" in Marcel's possession, he immediately made demands towards Marcel and attempted to coerce him into handing it over, telling Marcel that he won't tolerate any threats to "his" family, thereby confirming what Marcel believed and further angering him.