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She told me to contact that person. She answered back very casually and then asked if I heard of CAP? He FB me again this morning. I changed my facebook password after he asked for access. I was in boxing him and my friend at the same time and almost believed it. Consolidation: Pooling financial resources shares and therefore dilutes fiduciary risk. but then she didnt responde correctly. Go to the real FB profile for your friend. Same happed to me today.I picked up the phone and called the person he was supposed be asked her and she said no,I called the scammer out and told him I had just called her and you are fake leave me alone or you will be reported! I follow her instructions to message the page and pretty soon Im communicating with someone who has English as their second language. CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE..IS IT A SCAM????????????? Humanitarian Assistance Program is an initiative providing comprehensive services, including strategic and on-ground support to government, humanitarian actors and agencies working for/in humanitarian crises. Lucky she didnt transfer additional 3%. She gives you a link, which seems to be a Government webpage. It is important to remember that FEMA will never ask you for money or fees to provide disaster assistance. They are not very clever because they have not got a good picture of the lady who is a real friend of mine and they had her birthdate as in april 1905. doesnt Messenger me. I am 66 years old living on Social Security and will continue my efforts in getting these people what they deserve. He said if I could get some of it, just to get the ball rolling and pay the rest when I got the grant, so I said Ill see if I could do that. Last but not least, use the Comments section below to expose other scammers. It does not include fund transfers from donors, payment of incentives to the staff of local authorities, paymen, interest accrues to the issuing bank. No, its not. if you cant speak to the friend personally!. These take the forms of loans, equity investments and occasionally grants. I found out that her girlfriend Identity was stolen. Well, I phoned the real friend and he said someone had hacked into his FB page and was impersonating him on Chat and directing his friends to contact Jordan A. Smith on Chat to collect a bogus grant. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-7717531029937458",
Assistance Type. Then she had to go shopping. 1 . The Eurosystem comprises the European Central Bank and the national central banks of those countries that have adopted the euro. The online draws was conducted by a random selection of emails, you were picked by an advanced automated random computer search from Facebook, the Aid program which is a new innovation by Facebook is aimed at saying A BIG THANK YOU to all our users for making Facebook their number one means to connect, communicate, relate and hook up with their families and friends over the years. Got a message from someone I knew, but it wasnt them at all. Status. Difficult to hear and understand the caller. Search Results . I said hello back how have you been and they said wonderful b/c they had just received $ from a grant and wanted to know if I had heard of it. So I said I couldnt go further, and they responded with your almost there and itll only be a $500 fee for me to get the money. I just thought I would dbl check , already knowing that this had to be a scam. Please help, ill love here is the bank card number I 6037997159173674. Transcript: sent Yesterday at Mon 11:11 PM Im good living the best of my life, Have you heard the good news about AHR? He gave me two phone numbers to call, one was for if No one answered the first number. Diana shared one of the original messages she received. The overall cost for commercial KYC processing ranges from $15 to $130 per background check and takes an average of 48 days (Consult Hyperion, 2019). I can send half now and half later. Thomas Mark, I tested him and told him I made the payment but did not actually make the payment and he has not written me back. In this May 16, 2012 photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. The fund enables Humanitarian Coalition members to respond quickly to provide assistance, such as: emergency food. If the grant isn't on the list, it's probably a scam. She told me she saw my name in the winning list so she ask me to contact Mr. Nash Randolph through facebook ASAP. My mother and I both got scammed out of money, by a person claiming to be named as Tonia Mares. Of course, I said yes and asked if they were re-loading their Facebook page. I did not hear another word. A few days later I got a message through Facebook messenger from the scammer while I was talking to my blood relative on the phone. Anyway, they then asked if Id heard of the Monetary Annual Grant through Facebooktold me they had received $100,000 and they saw my name on the list. To send a message to Said she got a grant for 90,000, then every couple of minutes it would send a message saying just lick the link, this is legit, how are you progressing? She said, a friend of mine that got hers told me about it and they delivered $90,000 to me but i saw your name next to mine on their winners list when i wanted to sign my nameI knew was a scam. They would deliver this money right to my door the following day. Ensure reimbursement of outstanding balances (breakage) when programmes end and include such provisions in framework partnership agreements. When said didnt have suggested getting a loan since I needed to do this in 5-6 hours. Luckily didnt get financial info! I am victim of an online Grant Scam, by an individual going by the name of Johnson Washington on Face Book. I had gotten a message from a high school friend of mine. It sounds like the previous comments left on here. (e in b.c))if(0>=d.offsetWidth&&0>=d.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{c=d.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;"pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);c=c.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+c;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.g.height&&c<=b.g.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.c[e]=!0)}p.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function(b){b.getBoundingClientRect&&q(this,b)};h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function(b){n.checkImageForCriticality(b)});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){r(n)});function r(b){b.b={};for(var d=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],c=0;c
=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.i&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(t())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),d=!0);u=a;if(d){c=b.h;b=b.j;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(k){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(v){}}f&&("POST",c+(-1==c.indexOf("?")?"? If you think you may have been a victim of a government grant scam, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission online, or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. If you think you may have been a victim of a government grant scam, file a complaint with the FTC, or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. and then I tricked him into telling that there was also a fee of $500 had to be sent right after sending all private info and then once that was paid 5 hours later the money would be sent. Five insightful ideas for, Lets take a look at how to tell if an online transaction is safe and, Geek Squad Scam: How It Works One resurfaced scam that has been making the rounds, With the increase in online scams, it's becoming more and more important to know how, Travel scams are rampant these days. I made the glactically foolish mistake of providing a bunch of PII, but no actual financial information, all thru FB messenger. When I refriended her it connected to this fake page. Kindly tell us a friend name that inform you about this financial money support help? It is spent by individuals and demand is driver by consumers it is therefore the public that should have the final word on its evolution. She has Federal police investigation etc. Thats a deal compared to some of the other comments Im reading on this thread. Contacted by a friend on messenger. Same thing happened to me this morning.was having a convo with a "friend" through messengertold them way too much about by familythank goodness I didnt say names.mustve had some sort of inkling that it wasnt the real person. etc. They gave me a grant ID to accept a $9000 Grant from the government. Read about the latest scam alerts from BBB: It is an out right scam. He was telling me to apply for a free federal grant to get $50k. Dead giveaway! Especially on social media. I got hold of him in Facebook Chat and he took down some of my personal info and delivery info, but not credit card info at that point(Thank God!) Its called the Government Green Grant Fund. But theyre not. If you receive a Facebook message from someone claiming to have a grant for you from CDFA, or someone who appears to be a Facebook friend of yours, please note this is an Internet scam. Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. I notified my friend of what was going on with his account. (again??? Discounting: Local goods purchased in local markets with physical currency (cash-in-hand) tend to be cheaper than those purchased through restricted or digital mechanisms as the merchant can rebate the cost of electronic paymentA transfer of funds which discharges an obligation on the part of a payer vis--vis a payee. If aid organisations and their donors want to improve the social utility and cost-effectiveness of their CVA programmes, they could consider applying an integrated fiduciary risk management model (See Figure 1) which includes the following cost components: Economies-of-Scale: As DFID one famously said in its review of the one cashMoney in physical form such as banknotes and coins. She had received a $200,000 government check and she saw my name on the list when the Ups person delivered hers. Total U.S. humanitarian assistance worldwide was nearly $13 billion in fiscal year 2021, including funding from the State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and the U.S. Agency for International Development's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. "She said that she got a $500,000 dollar grant but I just can't believe that it's legit," Susan said. After I sent all the information we ask me to send $475 by Money gram to the person who was supposed to bring the money to my house. Thank you. In crisis situations, at least some of this process is carried out by the aid agency partner, thus saving the service provider the cost of doing so. The right to recirculate banknotes that have been checked for authenticity and sorted for fitness by banks and cash-in-transit companies. After you are assured that you completed everything properly and your chances to get the grant are high, you submit the application form, along with a $199 fee. It also eases the burden of complying with international counter-terror and anti-money-laundering regulations. All rights reserved. The site is secure. How could I fall for such a ripoff? Yours Faithfully, The humanitarian . I tried every possible way, talk to Chase bank, local police dept. My facebook experience is similar to some listed here. The scammers could reach out to you not only through Facebook, but via Instagram messagesas well, so beware. Disaster Risk Management Consultant, Author, and Founder of The Aid Workers Union, This post is also available in: Interchange: Interchange refers to the fee charged by the issuing bank to the acquiring bank to cover their part in the clearing and settlementThe discharge of an obligation in accordance with the terms of the underlying contract. Didnt take me long to see her page was hacked, but I milked the situation for more info. Keep on your toesIm going to now send out a question for every new friend request.keep it real people . Your email address will not be published. Its onset dates back to the origins of humanity and its physical representation has taken on very varied forms until the appearance of metal coins. In e-transfers the settlement may take days, whereas cash settlements are instantaneous and irreversible. Learn More: List of HHS assistance programs In finance, cash is considered the most liquid asset and cash is sometimes used as a synonym for liquidity (e.g. Feedback. Then they guessed and said, Tomorrow!! I blocked them out told my real friend to change her password,changed mine.And turned off my chat messages for awhile! But from the goodness of their black souls I would only have to pay half $600 before I got My money. Here's how to know if a travel website selling, If you are an avid traveler, beware of the new TSA PreCheck Scam. If you think you may have been a victim of a government grant scam, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission online, or call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261. The Agents name in Facebook Chat is George Eddie, FYI. i then agreed. Breakage: The term is banking jargon used to describe revenue gained by financial service providers through un-redeemed money loaded onto pre-paid cards that is never claimed in this case, by humanitarian beneficiaries. : International aid organisations rarely, if ever, challenge the bid-offer spread quoted for international money transfers, or attempt to negotiate volume discounts when converting currencyThe money used in a particular country at a particular time, like dollar, yen, euro, etc., consisting of banknotes and coins, that does not require endorsement as a medium of exchange. She sent me a link and that led me to Sharon LYN BATES who requested information on my address, etc but no bank details, thank goodness. My name is Agent Kathrine Kopper, from the Federal Government Financial Support Help office of the world Hearing, Senior Citizen, Veterans and Retire Workers. Watch the video below to see the first variation of the Government Grant Scam exposed: In this scam, random people befriend you on Facebook and send you messages informing you about a new federal grant such as the DHHS Financial Program that allows you to receive money that you dont have to return. The right is normally based on rigorous rules established by the central bank. Got a message from my brother in law wandering why I havent received my free money for the holidays he gave me an address to sign in so I could get it I figured it was a scam so I forgot about it then a couple days ago my first cousin sent me almost the same message except their was a phone # for me to send a text and get signed up for it. You only have a few business hours to apply and criminals make everything possible to avoid the victims calling the other person. I became suspicious when she started pushing me to click on this linkurgentlyand the language consisted of bad English.I thought it was just autocorrect at first..but the bad English continued. Regulatory Compliance: By law, financial service providers are obliged to conduct know your customer (KYC) due diligence on each potential customer. Sure enough could get $90,000 for $550. No response. They are using it on facebook. This charity's score is 93%, earning it a Four-Star rating. Cost of Customer Acquisition: Cash assistance programmes deliver new customers to the issuing bank effectively for free, thus saving them one of their biggest business costs, the cost of customer acquisition and retention. Then, report the grant scam to the social media site. Please be careful. in Streamwood Illinois, money transfer company no help. U.S. grants to a business or nonprofit are for the sole benefit of the company. If you hear of anyone being contacted in this way, please advise them to pass all information to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) ( and their local law enforcement authorities. I have screen shots of conversation and pictures used. Its hard to understand what their saying most of the time. Both my friend and this group quit sending me msgs. The man said that his name was Agent George and asked for verification through facebook. I knew this was a load of crap, when my friend just kept on telling me to do what they told me. She was approved Australian $120000, but must pay fee of 2% to JP Morgan Chase Illinois, And she did. your name was among the 30,000 Lucky winners. Just had someone contact me through one of my friends Facebook Messenger. This scam has caused me and my family $19,275.00 of financial hardship in scam fees, believing that this Government Grant fund was real and that I would be receiving had been granted $700,000 in money from the Grant as soon as these now false fees are paid.the emails in which I received by the scammer going by the name of Johnson Washington- Works at American Grant Specialists and GRANT Neighbourhood Association on Facebook. This is not my cousins personality. I have been contacted by a spokesman Anita Barnes saying that I have been selected to receive a grant. Become proactive members of local Cash Working Groups and advocate collectively through the Humanitarian Coordinator. I received a chat message from a Friend asking to be their friend on Tuesday January 31, 2016. The funds support the highest-priority projects . Your email address will not be published. Elsewhere, in Yemen or Afghanistan, for example, these needs will be covered by humanitarian spending, which raises questions about the nature of the latter. Has anybody ever got a box of money? he said i could get $ if i give him $2000.00 I am embarrassed by what I did but I have to tell my story. Of course, I did not click on the link. I received a message on facebook from a friend from school, stating he had just been delivered $50K from the UPS guy, and that he saw my name on the winners list. Grants dont work that way. Districts. My page was hacked and I was wondering how a longtime friend got unfriended. I foolishly gave her 650 dollars, and got nothing. Cash is a contingency and fall-back solution. College and university applications, websites, and brochures usually include financial aid information for prospective and incoming students. I found that to be a bad sign then that all of this was not true. CARE. You dont send money to get money. you can also add him on BBM PIN: [blocked]. And even though I almost fell for it, I consider myself skeptical of so called free money stuff and weve rightly warned our daughter to not give out personal info unless weve cleared it first as legit. She asks me if Im interested and I say sure, cuz who isnt interested in free money. Michael is still to this day trying to still get money out.of me by swearing to God if I just send $200 more I Ill have my $100,000 in one hour. I reported one of thise scammmers and got them removed after they sent me their "friends" profil page wich i reported after thwy blocked me. Shes got the right idea, as the message she received from her quote "friend" is likely a scam, and here's how you can tell. This person used my hubbys fb messenger to extort money from him for a federal grant. I like the device, but there are things I dont like. How could you ever get suckered into something so ridiculous and far-fetched and so obviously bogus? Report Fraud. Something didnt smell right. (yeah right) Phone number is listed as unknown. That was 4 days ago and she ask me to help. . He was telling me to sign up for a free federal grant called "Global Grant Funds" and gave me a phone number of 502-547-4480 but never gave me an "agent" name. Scam attempt. He wasnt in a rush to get money though he asked for $650 and that i would receive $70,000 within 8 hours. He first steals a facebook iD,picks a friends name from their list and then sends a link that looks like it came from them. The program aims to reach up to 30,000 eligible small businesses in over 30 countries where we operate. He is passionate about helping small businesses start and grow. I have just received a friends request from someone I know but new to friends on facebook. He was trying to help seniors, disabled people to get this money. He had an American name and profile but an Indian accent. I live on a state pension and in debt the person who I contacted through Facebook messenger was Debbie Carignan William. They mentioned that they had a Trogan in their page and wanted to start from scratch. The United Nations wishes to warn the public at large about these fraudulent activities being perpetrated purportedly in the name of the Organisation, and/or its officials, through different fraud . BBB reminds people that federal grants are not issued for personal use, but are intended for institutions and non-profits to carry out projects with a public purpose. Many scams, known as Advance Fee Fraud schemes, originate in Nigeria and are known as "Nigerian scams" or "4-1-9" letters after the section of the Nigerian penal code that deals with this type of fraud. This was a scam. if i want grant info for 50,000 I pay 1,000 and can be paid only via paypal, amazon gift card, or bit coin. She's raising the red flag on a scam that is again preying on innocent Facebook users. Standard grants are approved for large-scale projects that serve many people, primarily underserved and needy populations on a long-term basis. Advertisement: The way the scam usually works is that consumers are told grant information is available for a small payment by credit card. Victims are told they have been selected to receive a government grant ranging from $5,000 to $25,000. Please help now I think it may be identity theft but, I never sent them the money for paypal because I realized it and asked my friend a question she could not answer and found out they must have hacked my Facebook. A real government agency won't ask you to pay a processing fee for a grant you have already been awarded. FEMA websites will be identified as official U.S. Government sites and will never accept credit card information for payments or donations. of physical currency in local markets exerts economic multiplier effects that can more than double the face-value of cash assistance over its digital equivalents (ODI, 2015). How can I find out whether or not this Pandemic Grant is a scam>. Did not click on the link as it sounded like a SCAM. Zip code. Told me it was a real blessing (smelled a rat, because her husband is an attorney!!) If you only friended the person claiming to be your friend one time then do a general search on Facebook using your friends name and I guarantee you you will find two accounts for the same person. BINGO! Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. However, they will never come. I took the time to research this type of call and found much information that indicated it was a SCAM. Someone just tried this on me. The benefits of humanitarian financial assistance - what the aid world calls 'Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA)' - are pretty well known: Giving people cash instead of food or other forms of in-kind commodity empowers recipients to address their own priorities, reduces opportunities for corruption, and pumps money into local economies. No one is to be trusted. She said she was just awarded $300000 and recommend wife to email Janet K Portman Attorney from commonwealth CGF Grants. June 3, 2015 - The Federal Service Desk (FSD) has recently been receiving claims from the public that CFDA agents have contacted them claiming that in order for the recipient to claim federal grant money they must first send the CFDA agent personal information or money.