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Clan information "Did you warn Firestar?" Stonefur took a step back. Bluekit: (wakes up) Oh, precious sister! They shouted at the same time. Once the deputy, during a battle over Sunningrocks he perished from a rock slide. The figure of a cat formed and the cats tensed. Was bluestar there when oakheart died? Specialists in Home Improvement. Bluefur; fiercely ambitious, determined to do what was best for her Clan, even if it meant unimaginable sacrifices. "Oakheart." Monthly: Snow, I'm sorry to call you a drowning rat. Bluestar stared at the three ThunderClan apprentices, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw from StarClan. It took me a long time to do it! She asked. Bluestar watched Spottedleaf pad away dissapearing into the grounds of StarClan. They late get their warrior names, Mistyfoot and Stonefur. "It's good to see you again," Bluestar mewed. Bluestar asked and saw her parents with a smiling gaze "you're just in time" Moonflower meowed and Bluestar sat beside them "Oakheart is a loyal warrior" Moonflower meowed "yes he really is" Bluestar replied "since you love this tom very much, you chose Oakheart of Riverclan instead of having a mate in Thunderclan. [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. Bluestar didn't answer until awhile. Bluestar cried softly. Moonflower said lightly. "Hello Bluestar", he said. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. I watched Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with my body. His face brightened. Bluestar shook her head. The stars shined like the sun. She was so happy and full of joy but inside her she missed her Clan. She had grieved for herself because she had to leave Crowfeather. Bluestar hissed. Every month: Hold the rats so I can kiss you! "I should've been told the truth!" Moonflower stared blankly and Snowfur looked away. This answer is: Study guides. Mosskit smiled and Shellheart,Oakheart's father was calling him and Mosskit. (Oakheart ends up with Graypool) However Patchpelt confesses his feelings for Bluefur and they fall in love. I meowed to Whitestorm. I was just trying it," she replied. Goosefeather to Bluepaw foreseeing her destiny. Whatever happens, they'll always be my kits, too! (They ran to the old lair and held them all until they told their stories). There is no mention of Mosskit being with either Bluestar or Oakheart in StarClan. We watch over them. Look inside this book! I meowed. "You have a true destiny to live out, a great compassion in your work lies ahead" Not for long Bluestar knew what was going to to happen "But what about the three bright stars I saw?" She recognized him,Thrushpelt! Bluestar: Oh, I'm choking on squirrels! On the other, he saw a mother grieving for the kits she had abandoned so long ago. Bluestar closed her eyes and slowly and painfully went to StarClan. Just clear your mind, think about the positive." "Look at yourself! "There's nothing I can do but look at my Clan being torn from the paths of strengh and loyalty." Snowkit: (Stops crying out of the corner) Yay! Bluestar was alone. Measures approximately 35cm in length. she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said "she could've been happy with him.". "You're so weak now! [3] StarClan was disconnected from the living Clans by Ashfur,[4] however, the connection has since been restored. "You are more than a StarClan cat." Bluestar hissed. I believe in my Clan. Leopardkit: But I was just a mouse for the last time! Bluestar answered. Bluestar is a lithe blueish-gray she-cat with light blue eyes. "Bluestar!" Bluestar replied "yes!" I think Spottedleaf, Bluestar, and Yellowfang will bring him to Starclan. OK! Having you around kept her memory alive. She saw from first to second Lionheart,Redtail,Silverstream,Runningwind,Brindleface,Swiftpaw,Yellowfang,Spottedleaf,and her.She satthere waiting for her turn. Bluestar purred. Stonefur watched his sister from StarClan. She was born with Moonflower and Stormtail as her parents, and a sister named Snowkit. The fish landed at the RiverClan tom's paws and he killed it with a killing blow. Bluestar felt pride swell in her, she knew Cinderpelt would live a better life as Cinderkit letting Leafpool be a great medicine cat. Two because they are evil. When the clans face a terrible blight, trespassing twolegs, and an unanswering Starclan . Bluestar completed her sentence. Bluestar looked to her, Leafpool gasped and ran to help Cinderpelt, the badger running off. NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! A stackable mini-plush head of Bluestar. "Im dead Spottedleaf." Hollyleaf had swiped out her paw in the fire of the forest and killed Ashfur on accident, and finally the truth came out. Oakheart asked happily "Moonflower and Stormtail approved our relationship!" She has a silver muzzle and a large scar across her shoulders. She was a member of ThunderClan who helped drive the dog pack out of the forest to avenge her mother Brindleface's death. Snowkit: Let's eat vegetables that can kill us! Oakheart pushed the fish over to Bluestar. She was happy to see her Clan again but she soon needed to give Fireheart one of his nine lives. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! One of the greatest the forest has ever known. Tallstar nodded with agreement. She now didn't care what Stormtail thought she was a needed to check on ThunderClan. Stormtail: (sees the marker) Oh those? also if mistystar and stonefur werent alive, than she wouldve died in a instant, she had firestar,mistystar AND stonefurs help. Does Bluestar still love Oakheart? Now and forever." But for all anyone knows he only has about three left!" Consider creating an account! Bluestar hung her head. Then they spotted Bluestar walking towards them. (teleport). "I feel bad for Cinderpelt" Bluestar meowed to Snowfur the next day. Whitestorm continued. StarClan promises that fire will save their clan, but what Bluestar needs are more warriors to combat the evil lurking both inside and outside of their borders, not a vague prophecy that no cat can decipher. Poppydawn: No one can compete with the two of you, as one of them will have the seat of the first major arc criminal. Bluestar looked down at it and took a nibble out of it. Swiftbreeze: But your most valuable tools opened hers and the best devices of mine opened them when they appeared. I need more answers!" She is born to Bluefur and Oakheart. (willowpaw/fur): i understand Mistystar and Stonefur wouldnt be alive, but bluestar couldve had other kits or no kits at all. D= Dark Forest. "Hello Tallstar." Oakheart turned his head while he's sitting on a rock "Moonflower and Stormtail wanted to talk to you" Bluestar said with a happy gaze and Oakheart is somehow nervous in the inside but felt a nudge from Bluestar "go on" and Oakheart goes off. "But finally we know Mosskit died.". See more ideas about warrior cat, warrior cats, warrior cats art. Oakheart: Fiiiine. "Ooof." Kate will let fans chose what happens to StarClan cats after they fade away: disappear in oblivion or become part of a second StarClan and so on into infinity. Goosefeather: Going to WindClan, Heatherstar sells sunglasses! Bluestar to Firestar about StarClan not ruling the forest. "She warned him,Spottedleaf,now stop mooning over him!" "What do you mean?" Wiki User. It's like eating. #SoCWeek11 <=====> Introduction Character Design I looked down at Firestar, he lost a life now. "Bluestar," Spottedleaf started. When Bluefur is made deputy Patchpelt is overjoyed with support for his mate. "Though how they change there will only be one great leader in my eyes" Oakheart said softly. (Kicks the cat out). "I failed, I just couldn't kill them". Eh I don't like them for three reasons! After all the lives it was my turn. !<3 #warriorcats #iskyeye #skyeyei #sandstorm #firestar #brambleclaw #brambleshit #squrrielflight #oakheart #bluestar #cloudtail #brightheart # # # # # # # # Whitestorm, Spottedleaf, and Yellowfang sat beside her. "You are my stars." Scourge had killed Tigerstar and Snowfur had led Whitestorm into StarClan after Bone had killed him. [1] There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. "My love, you did not fail your Clan." While in StarClan, she granted Firestar, Blackstar, Mistystar, and Bramblestar one of their nine lives. "Those were my thoughts on it," Bluefur said as she purred in laughter. Unexpected warrior: AHHHH PIANO! Forever. She spoke. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. "And forever to live with the blood of a warrior!" "But you have the hope inside my darling, I can feel it." The grey and white one is Mosskit. When the night falls, Bluestar goes to Oakheart like they always didwhen they werewarriors. I am the only one who has noticed that there are tools here! After Spottedleaf received a prophecy, Bluestar invited a young kittypet named Rusty to join ThunderClan, naming him Firepaw, and mentored him. "My Clan will live." "Firestar has been with them for many seasons, every cat has their time." Cinderpelt heaved a heavy sigh and started to dissapear. Snowkit: only 555 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001. Moonflower let a tear of joy run down her cheek. Yellowfang nodded, all of a sudden remembering about Brokenstar. Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. "It's sad enough the Cinderpelt had to die because of that but don't blame it on Leafpool and the kits." Moonflower explained "yes I do love your daughter and I will not leave her, I will always be on her side" Oakheart meowed "you are loyal to both clan and Bluestar, I saw how you did everything for her you take care of your kits and save her from drowning to meet her kits and die. "WindClan!" "You are my moon." "I'm not doing it. Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of. Slowly the three StarClan cats faded leaving Leafpool alone. Bluestar wailed. Bluekit was born to Moonflower and Stormtail alongside her sister, Snowkit. Bluestar watched his stary fur dissapear. Warmth spread through her. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Bluestar's spirit was beside Leafpool, looking at her large belly. "Lead her to StarClan, I have a suprise for her." I'm here to give you a taste of your medicine. She doesn't drive him off her territory but why? Bluekit is born to Moonflower and Stormtail of ThunderClan, along with her sister Snowkit. Spottedleaf retorted. I can't be what I want to be. Expecting another uproar that didn't come he explains how he'd hoped to become deputy but Bluestar chose Lionheart and when he died to ShadowClan he got his wish but the power wasn't enough so he made attempts on Bluestars life and says he believes Cinderpaws accident by Thunderpath was a trap set for Bluestar which Cinderpaw is left agape by. "Only a matter of time before it happens, the badger is coming." come on! 258 Comments. Rosetail smiled. To my relief Stonefur started to slash and bite back. characters by Erin Hunter art by me Image details Image size 1024x768px 575.33 KB 2016 - 2023 Comments 70 Join the community to add your comment. I watched Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with my body. While Bluestar did drown, it can be noted that several factors, such as her age, depression, her wound from the dogs, grief, and stress might have played a part in her demise. Mistyfoot and Blackclaw become mates and have Perchkit, Primrosepaw, Reedwhisker and Pikepaw-but only Reedwhisker lives . Spottedpaw's thoughts when Bluefur gives up her kits. "Stop!" "Yeah, but you can always try. and today me and willowpaw/fur will be doing oakheart VS thrushpelt :who was a better choice for bluestar? now enough chitchat and lets see what willowpaw has to say! Among the StarClan cats, she noticed Moonflower, Stormtail and Snowfur. "But it's so early! Lionheart asked. Bluestar ran her spirit going to the Clans. "Your not supposed to fall in love,Spottedleaf!" Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. Monthly: Do not harass soldiers, do not separate and do not go under. Unpopular Opinion: Bluestar's arc would have been more interesting if she had ended up with Crookedstar instead of Oakheart I think Oakheart was lame and Bluefur had more chemistry with Crookedjaw. "I did fail the Clan, now Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather know Leafpool was their mother Everything failed" Moonflower padded beside her. Oakheart: I keep you, but you are not a tool, and the warrior code says you save the equipment. The lighter kitten on top of the darker one is Stonekit (stonefur) the one below him is Mistykit (mistystar). And not leave her like what happened to me in the past?" She faded back to StarClan and appeared beside the pool. Goosefeather: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN MY EYE? Do you want to leave the camp to visit the area without caring for your pig sister? She walked over to a pool and jumped in,she didn't like water but it was the only way to get to ThunderClan close up. Created by Meks. Bluestar replied happily "that's great!" "Wait! Goosefeather: Bluekit You're going to be killed by a monster . Snowkit: Shouldn't you clean up the disease? "Don't loose your faith, ThunderClan will be fine." "Oakheart!" I gasped. She yowled. "Dovepaw You have bigger power than the three, life like no other. Bluestar yowled. I want to cry when they can't be together. "Bluestar!" My kits forgave now it is time to go to StarClan,Bluestar thought as her last life was fading away. Firestar dipped his head. Fireheart: Even if you break the warrior code and try to leave StarClan, I will save you. Hollyfrost and Willowpaw debate who wouldve been a better mate for Bluestar. Bluekit: (Sneaks out and bothers Cedarstar: sneaks back). Brightstar looked off into the distance. Its been a little while but Im glad to be back I am Lilybreeze, and I have a ton of news to catch *drumrolls* at last, the moment all you wonderful folks have been waiting for! warriorcats. A few moons passed and one day Stonefur joined starclan. "Kits will be kits," Spottedleaf mewed to the medicine cat. Bluestar purred. (puts on Lady Gaga sunglasses). She was apprenticed early as Bluepaw with her mentor being Stonepelt. He slowly glanced to Whitestorm then licked his muzzle. "Welcome to StarClan." Meowed Sunstar as he finally padded up. I think I've seen him before. "What will Firestar do Bluestar, how can he choose Brambleclaw or Graystripe for deputy?" You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. Spottedleaf finished. Patchkit: SHHHHH! All he has is one life!". "Him and Sandstorm were seperated" She sighed heavily. "The four Clans will live, strong, proud, and loyal!" When the night falls, Bluestar goes to Oakheart like they always did when they were warriors. How many times have we told them that they must face the future together? Her fur was no longer wet, and she wasn't gasping for breath! Bluestar purred. Kate thinks that StarClan only exists because warriors invented them. come on! Thrushpelt padded over to her. It would have added a more interesting dynamic if he was the father of her kits and I feel like he would understand her need to become deputy more. Bluekit: Good. Monthly does not allow me to go out without you. Bluestar purred. Bluekit and Snowkit: LET'S GO! He made that choice to please Bluestar. Even if they don't remember me, I hope they'll know that. They make perfect kits (Stonefur is my 2nd favorite cat in the series!)