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No doubt some of those calls have been lost, used, mutilated, so the number is likey much lower than 100 individual calls so only those remaining can be used to make complete sets. Condition and rarity make this collection a stand out. He turned out decoys for five years, making bluebills, canvasbacks and mallards, mostly hollow cedar designs, although he did experiment with cork bodies one winter. Plastic inserts. $9.99, $19.98 Fewer than 400 of this color were made and any not handed out at the dinner were destroyed according to the made who contracted with Olt to have them produced. Brakes up the black monotany of an Olt collection. Mint. Switzerland | English (US) | (CHF), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy. This is the same call shown in the next photo. Hawk Mt in Pa was named such because of the vast number of hawks the gunners killed there during the fall migration, beginning in late August and into September and as long as the hawks kept coming. I put both of them here for easier comparison. Photo and Text By BRANDON BUTLER. Mint. ASK ELMO, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. This one retains the granules, which is fairly rare. There are a few scratches to the label, else Mint. This call came to me with the 1981 Goose call above and I have reason to believe it is about that vintage. The red lable is truly red, not as it apperas in this photo. Choose the options youd like for the order. Nr Mint. Hand signed. Exc. Click Buy it now or Add to cart and proceed to checkout. (tlz) SOLD, Tom May Duck Call. It looks like some mud in the impressed letters, will clean up to Near Mint. Looks like Ken used a walnut stain over birdseye maple. on one side you can barely make out Peking, Ills. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. I can't recall another of Ken's calls this color. A very nice call whose insert matches the barrel. Label is worn, call is Mint. Exc. The band is real silver. Shop our considerable collection, or try searching for a more particular Vintage Ps Olt Duck Calls using the site search. If you do not get a reply, look in your spam or junk folder. I am not sure when the JC Higgins brade began to be used by Sears, but it was done by the early, early 1960s. It could have been made anywhere from the late 50s right up until Olt closed the doors. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Mint in box with papers. There are many, many more lonely barrels out there than inserts. Mint, Rare. His note says, "This is one of my earlier goose calls that I hunted with a couple years, 1981. Painted duck and hand signed. (50% off), $26.00 Same comments as previous call. This call is beyond vintage, it qualifies as Antique! Very scarce burnt orange ends. I can't look at one of these without recalling the fun Jim West and I had calling brant with these calls. Wood barrel with D2 insert. Original Price $39.99 Light handling marks on insert. 3 painted geese on it." Shows some use and tiny puppy teeth marks but sounds like a champ. Mint. Only the lucky. Slight scratch on lable, esle Mint. They are 1/8"-1/4" smaller than his later duck calls. The machine cut the label a little off, but perfect as made. I wanted to show the pen signature. Exc- call in Exc- box. I have not had any more made. Browse our current calls for sale or calls sold in the past. Original owner put the tape on the box to protect it, which it has. Read More Doyle Breland (1934-2020) - Jena, LA - Duck Call Price: $41.00 This is a Maple duck call made by Doyle Breland (1934-2020). wear around mouthpiece says it was used alot. Please Refer To Pictures.Sold by dsjs2408 in Muncie, Vtg Wood Walnut 66 Duck Call P.s. Greenhead Game Calls. Mint (nl) SOLD, Olt Wooden Goose, Model 800. Auctions. Scarce. Ditto above. (znl) SOLD, Sure-Shot Super Honker Goose Call. $68.00, $80.00 Box Shows Minor Wear. It had the red, black and gold lable on it. Metal reed. These "green" (the whole top has a light green back ground with Kelly green heads and "Duck Call" in Kelly green also) boxes are highly sought after by avid Martin collectors. I think he called it his 5/8th bore. HE TRIED IT ON THE STOCK. Exc+ to Mint. The walnut is deeper than in photo and the reds of other calls in photo above are bright red, not as they look in photo. Light and small, why not have one in your calling outfit? Hand made by John and signed by him. Rubs and chips to clear finish. Call has seen use, but not abuse. Brass band has tarnished with time, but no other marks on it. There is a 1/16 to 1/8 inch split, but it does not move and is true to shape and tight. This is a VERY NICE Duck Call made by Wes Townzen of Grafton, IL. facebook; twitter; linkedin; pinterest; Custom Duck Call,Custom Duck Calls - Flying Feathers Guide Service,The Best Duck Call Makers You Never Heard Of - Greenhead,Arkie Mallard Duck Calls - Arkie Mallard Calls,,Build your own American Made Customized Acrylic ODB Duck Call,Hybrid Dyed Sycamore Single Reed Duck Call,POLYCARBONATE IMAGE DUCK CALL DUCK NINTENDO HUNT,custom duck . The goose painted on this call is different than any I have in my own collection of Glynn Scobey calls, so if you don't buy it, I really don't mind. $85, Duck Call. A wonderful book by a great guy. As with all antique items, the rare models of duck decoys which are often hard to locate, tend to cost a whole lot more than others. If you would like to own one of them, give me a call, 740-698-5060.) Maple (with a hint of birdseye in it) barrel with lip rest, and cedar stopper. Mint with label showing Crow in place of the word in the name. Light handling marks, still Exc (dtl) SOLD, P.S. Tiny nick over the R in label is all that keeps this offering from Mint. Insert may be cedar. (ddx) SOLD, Mallardtone Duck Call. By way of comparing, there is no way to date any other Black D2. While there are many Stoffer calls, most have maple inserts. Camo pattern with GOLD lettering. Sound Good. (Please don't shoot the photographer!) This one sounds like it has been modified. Not for sale. With the exception of the very stylish "H" carved in the barrel and the two designs on each side of it, the call is flawless. Brian Meyer - Guttenberg, Iowa - Walnut Duck Call Here is a Very Nice Walnut Duck Call made by Brian Meyer of Guttenberg, Iowa. (I grade hard using the NFLCC standards for grading. Box is Exc- condition. SOLD (dnl), P. S. Olt A-50 Flute Goose Call. $100, Duck Calls of Illinois, Bob Christensen. 16686 The call is in its original box with the type written directions. Typical of Mike's work, the acrylic is beautiful and must be turned in the light, like fine tiger maple, to see all the many color changes and swirls. Peters Rifled Slugs. These plain, no turning rings, calls are earlier than those with turning rings according to a family member. There is an old style camo pouch that holds both of them. If you want me to tune it, I can do that for you at no cost. (dxx) SOLD, P. S. Olt D2 Duck Call. Exc+ (dxd) SOLD, P. S. Olt 66 Duck Call. Nr Mint. If you have any questions, contact me. Exc- $89, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. At the last listing, it cost up to $650,000. Roundhole insert but with the CUT OUT CIRCLE IN THE TONEBOARD. A regional advantage that ensures the highest client satisfaction. $40, Mallardtone Crow Call. I never had any more of either made.) MIB with papers and early laynard. I am going to quote from Harlan, p. 204: "All plastic call from Kansas City, has unique mouthpiece filled with activated alumina granules, which absorps (sic) all moisture from the breath, keeping the reed and sounding board dry. Another of the "fat barrel" Scobey goose calls, although not as fat as the one sold below. Send me your guesses and I will tell you what he told me. ThanksSold by blackbear-57 in Linn Grove, This Would Make A Wonderful Gift For A Collector. Exc- $45, P S Olt D-2 Duck Call. Mint. It works as is, the way it was made.) For instance, the Mason Factory Wood Duck is one of the rarest unique models of wood decoy. Other than that the call is Mint and Brand New. They are tiger maple calls with cocobolo inserts. Blackwood with brown streaks. Partial label still in place. Early call, it came in its original gray box with papers. - Banded Duck Call, Ken Martin (1922-2001) Illinois - Walnut Goose Call, Albert Thibodeaux - Carencro, LA- Checkered Duck Call, Bill Dowdle (1920-2000) Memphis, TN. Call is 4 1/2" and LA style. Nice soft sound similar to the Yentzen to my ear. A similar set with standard shaped goose and no hand written signatures recently sold for well over three hundred. Hambone call. It just hit me that 1996 was 20 years ago! Interesting copper reed design: reed is slipped into a slot and them additional folded pieces of same material inserted to hold the reed tight. (remember the old chrome bumpers on cars?) I am unable to remove the insert, et al, from the mouth, so I assume it is glued in. Exc- in Box with Instructions for use and pocket catalog of Lohman products. One small chip where insert goes into barrel, shown in photo, and light rub to decal are all that keep this call from Mint, so Exc++ $75, Black Duck Duck Call. SOLD (zexx), Johnson Standard Crow Call. That continues all around the barrel above the ring and there is some all thru the barrel. He and his wife confirmed it was on a trip to drop a daughter off for here first year of college. SOLD (ztl), E. Stoffer Bean Lake Duck Call. Mint. I think the call is a little older than that date even. A big Metal reed call, said by Mr Harlan, to be one of the finest metal reed calls ever made. Box is got the proper red color from the 1950s. The address on this box is the same as on the gray box, Route 3. (30% off), Sale Price $101.99 Sears J.C. Higgins Duck Call in Original Box with Paperwork. But it is on this call, barely partially visible just below the lanyard ring. (My first shotgun was a "J. C. HIggins", a bolt action with adjustable choke on the end of it's 28" barrel. Rotate is 90 degrees and it is alternating walnut and maple vertical stripes. Made in China and sounds like it. Box top has a $35 price penned out and $29.99 written on it. This is a Duck Call you may Rarely see. (ul) SOLD, P. S. Olt Model DR 115 Duck Call. Early Scobey call, it is slightly talleer than later ones (the call above is even smaller than the later duck calls, as described above). Different times. I have no idea where dust would have come from to get on the call. Called the Million Dollar Duck Call because supposedly they sold a million dollars worth of them. (znl) SOLD, P. S. Olt A-50 Goose Call. Mint in box. There are just over 100 calls. This Duck Call was made by Doug Rice (1942-2021) of Strasburg, MO. $53.55, $63.00 Early, ca 1970s. Lid has al four corners intact and has the red ink. I have also stated they are much louder than the standard Olt keyhole call. The band has done its job of stabilizing the crack shown at the top of the collar. MIB with papers. Friday and Saterday will be call collectors and waterfowl swapmeets . This is a turkey Yelper made by Joe Kolter (1943-2020) of Cedar Rapids, IA. We display many of our vintage duck decoys at the Saugatuck Antique Pavilion in Saugatuck, MI and our office in Carmel, IN. Many designs are made, some continue and others are replaced. Osage Orange with brass band. Herb Parsons Duck Call. Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. Olt D2 Duck Call. This double reed Yentzen call is Mint. I know this call has no equal. Metal reed Reelfoot style. Try it. Banded dark green polycarbonate. SOLD (dllz), P. S. Olt 77 Goose Call. (dll) SOLD, J. C. Higgins (Sears) Crow Call. Anyone who has had anything printed in color knows that each color adds considerably to the cost over just black and white. I answer all emails. I have several of these KumDuck calls in Good to Exc conditions. (35% off), Sale Price $53.55 This is a very detailed hand carved Chinese wooden box. Rosewood or cocobola insert. It has a new reed in it, but don't think it has been corrected for the call. It has his usual name, and Henry, Ill. stamped lightly in bottom section of the call below the lanyard ring. Sold before I could list it. You get two for one here. (lt)SOLD, Elam Fisher Type. The insert is highly figured Cocobolo. It went something like this, "We were having a great shoot, when we ran out of shells. Ken's very early calls are slightly shorter than his more recent ones. Style is 1980's from memory. NFS, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. (dt) SOLD. Glynn was careful NOT to sign his name over the prettiest parts of the woods he used. (I love reading all my info when others are selling calls. SOLD (enlz), Glynn Scobey Goose Call. (yx) SOLD, P S Olt Model P-17 Squirrel Call. Glynn said he went to these early brown inserts about 1967-9. Original Price $32.00 A vast collection of pristine vintage or antique hunting and fishing collectibles. (yl) SOLD, Thompson Wildlife Calls, "The Million Dollar Duck Call". Mint in mudstained but structurely sound box with papers. The market first started with small, niche groups of enthusiasts throughout the United States in the 1950s and '60s who began collecting antique duck decoys. The walnut calls and paintings are really more like my other photos on this page, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Mint in near Mint box (one seam on plastic lid is split on outside rim and slight curve to pone leg as seen near lanyard wrap. Duck looks like a teal to me. Has "Tri-County, 1996, map of Illinois with goose flying over and duck on water within the state borders, 141" At most only 300 were made. Mint call in vg box with papers. I have a similar call with three ducks painted on it that I am sure came from the same stick of wood. Sold by bousso88. If you search for antique crystal decanters, here are a few tipsno need for special equipment since most are visible to the naked eye. $95, Glynn Scobey Duck Call. 740-698-5060 to order one or two. Mr Herters was a marketing genius. Wood duck calling WoodNDecoys (149) $375.00 Ducks Coming In Duck Hunting Waterfowl Wooden Wall Art UpstatePalletDesigns (607) $50.00 Antique 1920's Hand Painted Black Duck Wall Hanging - 5" square - Vintage Woodland Decor - Vintage Lake House Decor - Forest Animal Art JoeBlake (5,719) $18.00 More colors SIGNED ON THE BARREL BY MIKE McLEMORE. A growing recognition among art collectors about the value of antique duck calls also has made more people aware of the hobby, said Howard Harlan of Nashville, Tennessee, a founding member of The Callmakers and Collectors Association of America. DR means Double Reed for Old calls. Any Snow Goose call by Glynn is scarce. For me, it is too small to see anymore. Made for Edward Long. This Duck Call was made by Leonard Douglas of Troy, TN. 45. When you can close your eyes and feel the quality with your hands, you know you are handling superb workmanship. Typically, orders of $35 USD or more (within the same shop) qualify for free standard shipping from participating Etsy sellers. Rotate it 90 degrees and it is alternating walnut and maple vertical stripes. Ken did just that. Carver J.T. (dnt) SOLD, E Stoffer Duck Call. Osage orange. Near Mint as made. Hard to find today. Early large letter Lemont. Scarce. (cnt) SOLD, P. S. Olt Model 800 Goose Call. (nl) SOLD, P. S. Olt 66 Duck Call. Carlson Championship Calls. Take a minute and look at this wood. I believe this is an early signature call. Call is 6 1/2" and Walnut. The duck call, in Ken's handwritting says "Crafted for Ed Abernathy" and dated 6-2-93. It is a "fat boy" with very thick barrel. It is possible nothing compareable to this offering exists. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. (dlx) SOLD, ` Early, 1970s-80s with two geese painted on it. This one has The black pair is part of the set and has the Tri County name and goose flying over Illinois just like the other eight sets. Hard rubber, threaded keyhole insert with black reed. His asscociation with Grady White was early also. And it still could be used to call crows. Don't forget the extra coat to hang up to keep those roosters in bounds! One tiny nick in left edge of lable make this Near Mint. Do you collect game calls? Yours eyes may see a great call, but if you close your eyes and just feel this call, your fingers will tell you a master made it. Shows no sign of ever being used, even the lanyard is in perfect condition. (eul) SOLD, Black Duck Duck Call. Olt Model 77 Goose Call. (det) SOLD, Yentzen Double Reed Duck Call. (tlz) SOLD, Joe Jawroski Duck Call. (dnl) SOLD, Wendell Carlson Duck Call. Call and box are Mint. No reed. Mint. (yt) SOLD, P. S. Olt D-2 Regular Duck Call. Exc- $49, Kankee Crow call. Red reed is a replacement and it has a different key, else all original. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of calls to choose from. It even comes with the original lanyard, which I took off so the call would stand for the photo. Very light handling marks on barrel, so Near Mint. I believe this wood is Butternut. Two years ago, a collector paid $103,500 at auction for a duck call that depicts a rattlesnake, alligator, hound, duck and pheasant. Very early Painting on this all wood call and signed with thin felt tipped pen, late '70s to early '80s. Mint. $375, P S Olt DR 115 Duck Call. Complete Set Price is SOLD (EXXXZ), F. A. Allen Duck Call. Box very good, insert indestructible it says on box, soo very good also. Mint. Those with the extra barrel band have always been thought to be the higher grade of these call. 1988, The book covers over 800 calls and 450 makers, plus the history of duck calls. Continuing to the right the next three calls are all paint with no scribing. (otlz) SOLD, P. S. Olt P-17 Wide mouth Squirrel Call. Light indentations on barrel and insert, but no signs of use, finish is perfect. TO PROTECT LEATHER AND PLASTIC (WHATEVER THAT IS). Otherwise book and dj are like new. Notice the "lip rest"? Exc+ (zzz) SOLD, Oliveros Pull-em Crow Call. (Remember, Ken stamped his calls so theycould be read when hanging on the other guys lanyard upside down). Mint. How I wish he were still here and I could look over his table again. He must have made a million inserts, because for the rest of his call making days, about 50 years, he used those same inserts in every call I have ever seen that he made. They don't come any better. 9 colors in all, including the black set with gold printing. It comes with a letter from Glynn (on invoice) stating he made this design specifically for me and he would not use the design (pattern) again, excepts for me if I needed them. Mint $45, Olt A-5 Perfect Goose Call. Mint in Box with papers and original lanyard. This maple Olt modell DD-120 is difficult to find in any condition. It does for me. Compare your signature today with yours 20 or 30 years ago. One tiny paper loss on back of box, o/w everything is Mint. Most of these calls are mint in the box or Excellent. Yes, goose. MIB SOLD (dtt), Glynn Scobey Duck Call with Abercrombie and Fitch Logo on it. This one is perfect, Mint. These gray boxes are the first ones he used and date to the 1970s, maybe earlier. Older Olt with better finish than on the later calls. Signed with his customary "C B" stamped in the collar. It works! Co Houston Texas at the best online prices at eBay! 1913 - Week-McLean Law, Stopped commercial market hunting, 1942 - Call Maker Richard Vanderveen - Born, 1951 - Call Maker Benjamin H. Tyler III - Born, 1992 - Call Maker Walter Wagoner - Passed Away, 2015 - Call Maker David Welsh - Passed Away. Double reed with really full sound. Has the same Tri-County info on it, except date which is 1997 and the number is 125. Small chips in label, call is Mint. folded sheet has instructions for the full line of J.C. Higgins calls, crow, duck, goose, squirrel and predator. Wooden insert dates it to pre 1985. I tried to tell him it was an Olt 77 goose call. SOLD (zul), Herters 272 Duck Call Box with the patented bactitle insert. (dxx) SOLD, P. S. Olt 66 Duck Call. #39 is on the next row down a littlee left of middle. I love it when the seller calls thesefill in the blank: goose, crow, etc and then assures me it sounds "real good". The Reds are difficult to locate, but you just did! Mint with instruction sheet from Montgomery Ward which sold his calls. Dreadfully loud. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. Ash trees were the tree I grew up with, and were some of my favorite trees to climb as a kid back in rural NJ. Mint. Go up 7 photos, Sta-Dry Duck Call. Name on barrel. Most, if not all, are Mint, most have boxes and papers. This one is about perfect as made, Exc+ (lx) SOLD, Kum Duck Call. Classy and cleaver name. Maybe someone let their kid use it for a teething toy? Unusual shape, Glynn told me he made them for an banquet in Minnesota about 1987. This is a Nice Wood Duck Call made by Doyle Breland (1934-2020). Key Hole with plastic barrel. I bought this and one or two in the next row from Glynn in his shop in the 1990s. They are so easy to blow and sound so ducky. This Came From An Estate Of A Gentleman Who Passed Away In The Late 1960s. Round hole BUT IT HAS THE SAME TONEBOARD AS THE KEYHOLES. Very loud, high pitched call. Olt Registered Trade Mark D2 Duck. Wile there you can check out the new vintage call exhibit for 2022-2023 "Calls of Arkansas". (ent) SOLD, Glynn Scobey Goose Call. Mike didn't make very many acrylic calls. I don't know if these were offered in this camo pattern before Olt closed up. The wings look more like paddles than wings, but the man kept at it and made steady improvement. Duck Call Includes Original Box And Instructions. This is a fine piece of tiger stripe maple. Three tiny dents on one side are the only detriments. Mint. This Duck Call was made by Steve Boyles of Chillicothe, MO. Tight crack, does not open or move, in barrel. Very Scarce! Has been used, there is wear to the overall finish and chips to the varnish, mostly on the reverse. None of the three is an easily found collectible Scobey. Want to guess at how long it took him to paint on most of his birds? Call is Mint in Exc+ box. $45, Cajun Duck Call. Glynn Scobey Duck Call. Remember is was some years after making duck call that Glynn began making goose calls. Includes Mint box, lanyard, papers. That's how faint they are and they are few also. This one is no exception. $85, P. S. Olt 0-32 Pheasant Call. Related Topics: NORTHLAND OUTDOORS HUNTING OUTDOORS PEOPLE BOOKS By Brad Dokken Mint. Very faint handling marks. 99+% of the finish is there. Check Pictures. Adjustability is functional. Friday the inaugural Callapalooza cutdown challange will take place by 12 call makers cutting OLT d-2 style toneboards . In a great condition. It shows handling marks and slight wear to the finish around the rim of the insert. Mint. All My Sales Final With No Exceptions. Mint with hand painted mallard. Cocobolo. Olt Model Mkv Wood Duck Call. Price Guide shows light use. This one has a Green-winged teal head on it and is dated '83. First one I have ever had. This is one of them. Guys who have them, keep them. To say Tom May calls are Rare is an understatement. Gunnera have log appreciated them. With hand painted snow goose and signed of course. It is enough so I can tell by feel or glance that they are smaller. Very light handling marks and one small area where finish has lost it's luster, still Exc+. Handling marks, but no breaks in the finish. call 888-646-6367, or 651-296-6157, or visit the DNR website. $39, Cajun Goose Call. SOLD (cnl), Thompson Wildlife Calls. Although called a fox call, it will also call bobcats, coyotes, wild dogs and maybe birds of prey. 30 day returns. Tooth mstks in plstic, wood is prfect, so Exc-. (yl) SOLD, Johnny Marsh. . Mint. Captcha failed to load. Too say his table was fun to peruse is an understatement. Great! Mint $79, Glynn Numbers 22,23,25 are all wood. HIS FOX TRAPS DURING THE 1930'S. Our goal is to have a site where we can preserve the history and beauty of these calls and their makers. Style is exactly like the preceeding call, but this one is in a gray box, both boxes have the same "Route 3" mailing address. Much thought and advertising went into his boxes. Quam rates 5 pages in Harlan's book and states he was working as early as the 1930s. Walnut. Slight wear to lable but still strong. He didn't make regular production calls with wood inserts after 1985, according to him. Hard rubber. Special wood. Box is chipped and worn lightly along edges and corners, but intact, Very Good overall. Would Be Great For Both. Drawers open and close and the call rolls around on the band. He used increasingly larger felt tipped pens as time went by. This is the earliest pen signature I have seen, before he dressed it up with swirls off the end of the y in Scobey. some wear to the letters and light marks around mouth and top of insert. (dex) SOLD, Ken Martin Duck Call. This is one of them. - Duck Call, Jerry Ken Jones - Hornbeak, TN - Duck Call, Wes Townzen - Grafton, IL - Checkered Duck Call, Duane Cobert - East Moline, IL - Duck Call, Joe Kolter (1943-2020) Cedar Rapids, IA. I have always thought it was rather stately. (ot) SOLD, Early Johnny Marsh Duck Call. This call is from my personal collection. Exc- $39, Dwight Thomas Hand Crafted Duck Call. ");
Glynn kept at it and got better, but that makes these early attempts even more special. This was a special limited edition of 100 made for Federal Ammunition. Hand written with engraving pen is the following: "Earl Dennison, Newbern, Tn. Has a "shoulder" style insert with plastic reed. This Exotic Wood Duck Call was made by Bobby J Hill (1954-2019) of Union City, TN. For the first year Glynn had made the innards out of a white nylon looking material. They are few and far between, making this lumber very special. Keyhole version. 1988, The book covers over 800 calls and 450 makers, plus the history of duck calls. P. S. Olt A-50 Flute Goose Call. Snow goose calls, all painted, in rough order of age, except one. Seam. 2/8 . This Duck Call was made by Doug Rice (1942-2021) of Strasburg, MO. THIS CALL WAS FIRST YEAR OF PRODUCTION OF GLYNN'S MAGNUM GOOSE CALLS. $65 (I goofed, yes, this is the same call as the one three photos down), Mike McLemore. The site is being updated constantly as new specifics become available. It is really a neat little call. Near Mint. This call will go with my L L Bean collection nicely. Back to this call, it is Mint with original knotless lanyard in place. Mud probably will clean off if tackled properly. The late ones were slightly shorter with a slightly shorter "neck" to the top of the barrel. The paste on is of a green-winged teal head and it states "'83", meaning he made it in 1983. The luxurious Italian brand is known for its high quality and timeless designs. Ca 1950. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Mint. Fewer than 400 were made and any not given out at the dinner were destroyed according to the man in charge of those things. Mint. Scarce. This is the best Broadbill call I have ever had. (Add ten bucks if you want the original box and make sure you tell me to include it.) All are Mint. He didn't make this type plastic reed call long either. Exc to Mint. Vintage Gucci bags are highly coveted by fashionistas and collectors alike. MIB (dut) SOLD, Ken Martin Goose Call. Scarce. Signed. Call is Mint. Tyrone, Penna. I learned those with the band in the middle of the rosewood pieces were the upper level. A growing recognition among art collectors about the value of antique duck calls also has made more people aware of the hobby, said Howard Harlan of Nashville, Tennessee, a founding member of The Callmakers and Collectors Association of America. $35, P. S. Olt DD-120 Duck Call. Exceedingly Scarce to Rare! This Call Is Excellent, Looks To Have Been Used Very Little. (Ul) SOLD, Paul Kingyon Duck Call. Label is Vg, the call is Mint. If you can and want to tune it yourself for yourself I will sell it like it is. Works A It Should. Mint. Much scarcer than the Regular or E-1 crow calls, I once sold one the Jim Olt for his son's collection! They can also see a collection of vintage duck calls. The Sunrise Turkey Call George D. Grazier, Mfr. In the 1950s Charlie made is Perfection Duck call. The painting, however, is still completely intact. Mint. (dnt) SOLD, Herters No. Tyrone, Penna.