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~ Ghanaian Proverb, The elephant does not limp when walking on thorns. Ethiopian proverb, The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water. Yoruba proverb, No fence is built for the eyes. ~ Nigerian Proverb, To love someone who does not love you, is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall. African Proverb, Respect for a stupid person is stupidity. . African proverb, Wealth, if you use it, comes to an end; learning, if you use it, increases. Congolese Proverb, No matter how hot your anger is, it cannot cook yams. Nina also lived in Tanzania for a while where she worked with safari company and knows safari business inside out. ~ Zinza People of Tanzania, Crying a lot does not give you peace of mind. African proverb, An army of sheep led by a lion can defeat an army of lions led by a sheep. 2. Kenyan proverb, A fly does not mind dying in coconut cream. No matter how beautiful and well crafted a coffin might look, it will not make anyone wish for death., 24. Malagasy Proverb, A spiders cobweb isnt only its sleeping spring but also its food trap. Tswana proverb, The zebra told the white horse, I am white, and told the black horse, I am actually black.. Judith from Zambian DECEMBER 4, 2020. Towards an African Narrative Theology. Agege bread was created by Alhaji Ayokunnu How to m. Chic African Culture and The African Gourmet are dedicated to discovering, collecting and sharing African history and heritage celebrating 14 years of service in 2021. ~ African Proverb, Happiness requires something to do, something to love and something to hope for. Meaning:Passion must always drive our actions. Buli Proverb, If beards signified intelligence, the goat would have been a genius. Egyptian Proverb, Examine what is said, not who speaks. Somalian proverb, Much silence makes a powerful noise. Tongan proverb, A crowd can easily overpower a bull. Maasai Proverb, If an arrow has not entered deeply, then its removal is not hard. 1. Friends Who Liked This Quote. If we help our neighbour, we are actually helping ourselves in the long run. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. Congolese Proverb, Every door has its own key. Look for a dark goat first in the daytime because you may not find it at night. Joseph Healey. Nigerian proverb, A childs fingers are not scalded by a piece of hot yam which his mother puts into his palm. Kikuyu Proverb, When the heart acts, the body is its slave. See more ideas about quotes, childbirth quote, inspirational quotes. ~ Ghanaian Proverb, Those who are born on top of the anthill take a short time to grow tall. "He that has never traveled thinks that his mother is the only good cook in the world.". ~ Algerian Proverb, If a blind man says he will throw a stone at you, he probably has his foot on one. Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan. African proverb Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it. Soga proverb, We are what our thinking makes us. Where did the word Amen and Ashe come from why is it said and what does it mean? what is too much for him, African proverb, Everything the house gets is by favor of the door. Swahili proverb, Water does not boil if taken away from fire. Swahili proverb, A good deed is something one returns. African Proverb, A dog knows the places he is thrown food. No shortcuts exist to the top of a palm tree., 10. African Proverb, Rain does not fall on one roof alone. The way of the slacker is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway. Ghanaian Proverb, If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance. Kenyan Proverb, Only someone else can scratch your back. Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls., 52. Shona Proverb, The most beautiful fig may contain a worm. 5. Ethiopian Proverb, He who marries a beauty marries trouble. The best way to eat an elephant in your path, is to cut him up into little pieces. A chick that will grow into a rooster can be spotted the very day it hatches. ~ Ugandan Proverb, The big game often appears when the hunter has given up the hunt for the day. "The mother of a great man has not . 6. Swahili proverb, A patient man will eat ripe fruit. ~ Sudanese Proverb, Coffee and love taste best when hot. ~ Swahili Proverb, A bird that flies from the ground onto an anthill does not know that it is still on the ground. "Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way.". ~ Nigerian Proverb, Little by little the bird builds its nest. A child who is fearless is going to bring tears to his mother's eyes. Swahili proverb, The way a donkey expresses gratitude is by giving someone a bunch of kicks. Congolese proverb, There is no fool who is disowned by his family. One who loves the vase, loves also what is inside., 55. It is better to live as a lion for one day rather than 100 years as a sheep., 111. Ethiopian Proverb, The strong do not need clubs. African Proverb, He who was busy with two things drowned. Libyan Proverb, Earth is the queen of beds. ~ Meru Proverb, The strong bull is overcome when it limps ~ Ethiopian Proverb, The eye cannot penetrate darkness. Love is a despot who spares no one., 62. Somali proverb, Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it. Yoruba proverb, One falsehood spoils a thousand truths. Swahili proverb, One lie spoils a thousand truths. African Proverb, One should first stab a hyena then aim for a lion. African proverb, A quarrelsome chief does not hold a village together. It takes a village to raise a child., 133. Yoruba, There is no one who became rich because he broke a holiday, no one became fat because he broke a fast. Ekonda Proverb, When your neighbours horse falls into a pit, you should not rejoice at it, for your own child may fall into it too. Fulani proverb, Filthy water cannot be washed. ~ Cameroonian Proverb, All monkeys cannot hang on the same branch. Ghanaian Proverb, One mans fate is another mans lesson. African proverb, When you show the moon to a child, it sees only your finger. Ovambo Proverb, Suppression of hunger leads to death. ~ Cameroonian Proverb], He who dictates separates himself from others. Nigerian Proverb, A patient that can swallow food makes the nurse doubtful. A family is like a forest when you are outside it is dense, when you are inside you see that each tree has its place. African proverb, To be without a friend is to be poor indeed. African proverb, A fully grown up tree cannot be bent into a walking stick. Wherever a man goes to dwell, his character goes with him. Other peoples wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool., 98. African proverb, A thief and darkness are friends. Ovambo proverb, Let it be a bite of a cockroach and fly with the wind. Send your child where he wants to go, and you will see his pace. Senegalese Proverb, If you want to go fast, go alone. Agege bread is popular because that's where the first bakery opened up selling this new style of African food on the street to busy Nigerians. - Swahili proverb A beautiful things is never perfect. Twi Proverb, Inquiry saves a man from mistakes. African Proverb, The monkey thought he was a man until a fine shot brought him down. A masterpiece. ~ Kenyan Proverb, It is difficult for two long-nosed lovers to kiss. Meaning:If someone is busy doing nothing or is involved in what he does not know about, it is easy for him/her to get into trouble. Madagascar proverb, Dont try to make someone hate the person he loves. African proverb, The key to a healthy body is a good head. I had a father who talked with me.~ Hilde Bigelow African Proverb, Rules are stronger than an individuals power. The main difference between fufu and ugali is fufu is boiled first then pounded while ugali is simply boiled. Bayombe, Do not let what you cannot do tear from your hands what you can. ~ African Proverb, An empty pot makes the loudest noise. ~ Namibian Proverb, When you mention the person with one eye, the one with the eye problem reacts. And the desert so that he can find his soul. Give advice, if people dont listen let adversity teach them., 109. Africa You can view a landscape and believe you have witnessed the hand of God. She "wore" you around and you are far more beautiful than crowned jewels. . If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is. ~Xhosa Proverb, The good mother knows what her children will eat. Meaning:What goes around, comes around so whatever you sow, you shall reap. Sudan proverb, Love has to be shown by deeds not words. African proverb, If I am in harmony with my family, thats success. (Ibibo) meaning, The father . A boy who perseveres in asking what killed his father before he has enough strength to avenge, may be asking for his fathers fate. Yoruba, Make some money but dont let money make you. Senegalese proverb, An okra tree does not grow taller that its master. ~ Cameroonian Proverb, Other peoples wisdom prevents the king from being called a fool. African Proverb, He who marries a beauty marries trouble. ~ Kikuyu Proverb, The humble pay for the mistakes of their leaders. 11. Jabo proverb, The orphan does not rejoice after a heavy breakfast. African Proverb, An ugly child of your own is more to you than a beautiful one belonging to your neighbor. Fulani proverb, The old woman looks after the child to grow its teeth. Namibian proverb, Once swallowed it is not sweet anymore. ~ African proverb Amplified Bible Fipa proverb, One who eats a guinea fowl does not start to look like a guinea fowl. Gambian proverb, Help me during the flood, and I will help you during the drought. Tanzanian Proverb, His opinions are like water in the bottom of a canoe, going from side to side. A mother cannot give birth to something bigger than herself., 132. - African proverb Masai proverb, The ailment of the heart is known to one only. He who loves, loves you with your dirt., 46. African Proverbs Translated From Zulu to English. Nigerian Proverb, It is only a stupid cow that rejoices at the prospect of being taken to a beautiful abattoir. When a mighty tree falls, the birds are scattered into the bush. African proverb Nigerian Proverb, A bird that flies off the earth and lands on an anthill is still on the ground. Kenyan Proverb, One camel does not make fun of the other camels hump. African proverb, Home affairs are not talked about on the public square. Meru Proverb, If a blind man says he will throw a stone at you, he probably has his foot on one. Ghanaian proverb, Even the mightest eagle comes down to the tree tops to rest. ~ Kenyan Proverb, The one nearest to the enemy is the real leader ~ Ugandan Proverb, The hen pecks and wipes its beak. African Proverb, Never marry a woman who has bigger feet than you. African proverb Meaning:You may think that you have achieved greatness, but you are yet to start. African proverb 50+ Naruto quotes about pain, love, life, friendship and relationships. Algerian Proverb, When one would climb a tree, one begins from the bottom and not from the top. African proverb, More precious than our children are the children of our children. Yoruba Proverb, Despite the beauty of the moon, sun and the stars, the sky also has a threatening thunder and striking lightening. Only a fool tests the depth of a river with no feet., 3. African proverb, Knowledge is better than riches. African proverb, When spider webs unite, they tie up a lion. Swahili proverb, He who thinks he is leading and has no one following him is only taking a walk. African proverb, Return to old watering holes for more than water; friends and dreams are there to meet you. Ashanti Proverb, He who continually uses an axe, must keep it sharp. ~ Mozambican Proverb, No matter how beautiful and well crafted a coffin might look, it will not make anyone wish for death. A book about race. To try and to fail is not laziness., 22. Somali Proverb, The laughter of a child is the light of a house. African proverb, If you see someone riding a bamboo-cane [in a way that he is enjoying his imagination and fantasizing like he is riding an animal], tell him What a lovely horse! Tunisian Proverb, If you see wrongdoing or evil and say nothing against it, you become its victim. ~ Somali Proverb, The jungle is stronger than the elephant. ~ Ethiopian #Proverb #africa #love #coffee quote=Coffee and love taste best when hot. One day in the life of a wise man is worth a fools entire life., 97. ~ Ghanaian Proverb, Every door has its own key. Ghanaian Proverb, Only a medicine man gets rich by sleeping. Kenyan Proverb, Parents give birth to the body of their children, but not always to their characters. If I am in harmony with my family, that's success. Africa is known to have a very rich culture and part of it can easily be seen in African quotes. Hausa proverb, He who fears the sun will not become chief. ~ Kenyan Proverb, A snake that you can see does not bite. Bantu Proverb, There is no worse curse than to desire a mans death. African Proverb, When a kings palace burns down, the re-built palace is more beautiful. Ghana proverb, One who causes others misfortune also teaches them wisdom. It is a widely used proverb depicting bad luck. Meaning:It is another great African proverb about life and death. African Proverb, When elephants fight, its the grass that suffers. Kikuyu Proverb, Rich people sometimes eat bad food. African Proverb, A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot break. ~Nigerian Proverb. African Proverb, A flea can trouble a lion more than a lion can trouble a flea. Ugali recipe. The day I need a wife, the market is filled with mad people. Nigerian Proverb, To have no enemies is the same as having wealth. ~ Maasai Proverb, Little by little grow the bananas. Ashanti Proverb, No person born great. "When a madman walks naked, it is his kinsmen who feel shame, not himself.". Madagascar Proverb, A mad dog bites anything except itself. African proverb, Stupidity does not tolerate wisdom. Liberian proverb, Dont meddle with a family feud. African Proverb, The forest provides food to the hunter after he is utterly exhausted. Bemba proverb, When a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it. Libyan Proverb, A man cannot sit down alone to plan for prosperity. To a father growing old nothing is dearer than a daughter. Twi proverb, A man doesnt go far from where his corn is roasting. Kalenjin proverb, We should put out fire while it is still small. A small house will hold a hundred friends., 134. Akamba Proverb, The impotent man does not eat spicy foods. Hausa proverb, If you eat all your harvest, you wont have seed for tomorrow. 1. ~ Malawian Proverb, When a thing becomes perfect, it soon fades. No sun sets without its histories. Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old fathers quotes, fathers sayings, and fathers proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources. African proverb, Hurry, hurry has no blessings. Mandinka Proverb, The hunter who is tracking an elephant does not stop to throw stones at birds. Wolof proverb, He who destined for power does not have to fight for it. Meaning:Life is too short, and you only live it once. African proverb, You wont last long, so leave a legacy. African proverb, A wise man who knows proverbs, reconciles difficulties. I love Afrikan wisdom!MEDASE PA(I THANK YOU VERY MUCH I LAY AT YOUR FEET). Ovambo proverb, He who burns down his house knows why ashes cost a fortune. Am inspired and may coconut grow on your head. Easy Ugali Recipe Prep time 5 minutes Cook time 30 minutes Total time 30 minutes Ingredients 4 cups finely ground cornmeal 8 cups water Directions Heat water to boiling in a saucepan. Swahili, One cannot both feast and become rich. Efik proverb, Copying everyone else all the time, the monkey one day cut his throat. Fulani proverb, Drop by drop rain fills a pot. Ghanaian Proverb, When you befriend a chief remember that he sits on a rope. Somali Proverb, He who doesnt clean his mouth before breakfast always complains that the food is sour. He who will swallow udala seed must consider the size of his stomach. Meaning:You should forget and forgive anything your relatives did to you. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). Mongoan proverb, A Mothers Tenderness for her children is as discrete as the dew that kisses the Earth. ~ African Proverb from Sierra Leone, Wealth is like hair in the nose: it hurts to be separated whether from a little or from a lot. Just because the lizard nods his head, doesnt mean hes in agreement., 102. African Proverb, Knowledge is like a garden: If it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. - African Proverb, Learning expands great souls. ~ Igbo Proverb, Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands. African proverb, Instruction in youth is like engraving in stone. When brothers fight to the death, a stranger inherits their fathers estate., 146. African proverb, A chickens prayer doesnt affect a hawk. Yoruba proverb, One does not use a sword to kill a snail. ~ Ashanti Proverb, The stick in the hand kills the snake. Zulu proverb, The mouth which eats does not talk. Lies Wealth - Women - More! Shona proverb, A tree cannot stand without roots. African proverb, A stream cannot rise above its source. Hausa proverb, Character is like pregnancy. The mother is the neck that turns the head. ~ African Proverb, To neglect ones ancestors would bring ill-fortune and failure in life. The wise create proverbs for fools to learn, not to repeat., 101. African Proverb, However long the night, the dawn will always break. Kikuyu Proverb, Dont take another mouthful before you have swallowed what is in your mouth. Meaning: This is a famous African proverb about life and death. Hausa proverb, However much it rains on you, no wild banana tree will grow on your head. It is commonly used when people talk about a beautiful woman with an evil character. Sierra Leone proverb, If you cant resolve your problems in peace, you cant solve them with war. - from Ethiopia. The basis for one of Orobator's prayers in Theology brewed in an African pot is some African proverbs the celebrate the joy and dignity of motherhood. ~ Meru Proverb, He who does not seize opportunity today, will be unable to seize tomorrows opportunity. Ugandan proverb, When you follow in the path of your father, you learn to walk like him. South African Proverb, Dont set sail on someone elses star. Ghanaian Proverb, If a child washes his hands he could eat with kings. ~ Kenyan Proverb, No matter how full the river, it still wants to grow. African Proverb, A chick that will grow into a cock can be spotted the very day it hatches. Traditional Agege bread is not sold as sliced bread. African proverb, The bad craftsman quarrels with his tools. ~ Buganda People of Uganda, Leadership comes from God ~ Kenyan Proverb, The friends of our friends are our friends. Namibian proverb, There are 40 kinds of lunacy, but only one kind of common sense. Zulu proverb, The growing millet does not fear the sun. Meaning:The society is responsible for the moral characters it creates and everyone in a community should be responsible for helping to train a child irrespective of who the parents are; offering correction where they are needed. ~ Xhosa Proverb, Rich people sometimes eat bad food. Mauritanian proverb, He who loves the vase loves also what is inside. Whether you are young or old, proverbs can open your mind to a whole . Until the Lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter is my favourite. Somali Proverb, A bridge is repaired only when someone falls into the water. ~ African Proverb, Where a woman rules, stream run uphill. African Proverb, Its much easier to fall in love than to stay in love. African Proverb, Dress up a stick and itll be a beautiful bride. Why give yourself to death when you could be immortal. Swahili proverb, One must talk little and listen much. They are the black fathers who don't shy away from being the most important male to their children.. A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot break. Baganda proverb, Brothers love each other when they are equally rich. As young as six-years-old, many children living in Africa are taught proverbs to help them navigate through many of lifes challenges. 2 Corinthians 6:18: "And I will be a father to you, and . tags: colonialism, eloquence, history-of-mankind, proverb. Some are known to come from specific African tribes, ethnic groups, or African countries, and others have an unknown source and are listed simply as African proverbs. Some proverbs are romantic, some thought provoking and some perhaps a bit lost in translation. African proverb Ashanti proverb, When your neighbour is wrong you point a finger, but when you are wrong you hide. "A silly daughter teaches her mother how to bear children.". ~ Ghanaian Proverb, There is not such a thing in the world as a sheep of many colours. African Proverb, You are beautiful because of your possessions. African proverb African proverb, Judge not your beauty by the number of people who look at you, but rather by the number of people who smile at you. In a family if you have somebody who is troublesome it's the family members who are more worried than the troublesome member., 126. Kenyan Proverb, Crying a lot does not give you peace of mind. - African Proverb Learning expands great souls. ~ Zimbabwean Proverb], What has horns must not be hid in a sack. Meaning:Do not insult someone who is taking care of your responsibility or taking care of you. Angolan Proverb, One who eats alone cannot discuss the taste of the food with others. Swahili proverb, Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way. Meaning:This proverb means that your mind will judge you when you are guilty in some crime, and it is being said now. Do not call a dog with a whip in your hand., 31. ~ Tanzanian Proverb, The key to a healthy body is a good head. Luo proverb, A clear conscience makes a soft pillow. African proverb, A camel does not tease another camel about its humps. A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he married., 67. Meaning:You dont jump straight into a situation without thinking about it first. Rwandan proverb, If you are building something and a nail breaks, should you stop building altogether, or should you change the nail? If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom., 87. Ibo Proverb, The rain falls on every roof. When a fly perches on a man's scrotum, he immediately learns humility. Malawian Proverb, Even the lion, the king of the forest, protects himself against flies. Bemba proverb, The person who guards himself will not be destroyed. Hausa proverb, When the lion cannot find meat, it eats grass. Like the air, the water, and everything else in 5the world, the heart too rises the higher the warmer it becomes. Fulani proverb, Even a slow walker will arrive. In the African Yoruba language among the Yoruba people whose culture is as old as time, Ashe or Ase means may it be so. ~ Maasai Proverb, Do not tell the man who is carrying you that he stinks. ~ Ethiopian Proverb, If a stranger comes to stay with you, do not forget when you lay aside his weapons that he is hungry. Meaning:Igbegulu is a palm stem. Botswana Proverb, A beautiful one hurts the heart. Swahili Proverb, To stay together is to know each other. African proverb Zimbabwean Proverb, A roaring lion kills no prey. Somali proverb, The children of the same mother do not always agree. African Proverb, One person cannot move a mountain. Ovambo proverb, One does not enter into the water and then run from the cold. Ibo proverb, You cannot tell a hungry child that you gave him food yesterday. Hausa proverb, Many are cursed for the crime of one. Rwandan proverb, In the land of promise a man may die of hunger. African Proverb quote, Tradition / African A proverb is the horse that can carry one swiftly to the discovery of ideas. Ambede proverb, If you find no fish, you have to eat bread. African Proverb, She is like a road pretty, but crooked. Meaning:You should always order your goals and follow them before it is too late to accomplish them. Guinean proverb, When the hyena drinks, the dog can only look on. ~ Bantu Proverb, Suppression of hunger leads to death. Some proverbs are romantic, some are comical, and some are thought-provoking. Meaning:All things happen when their times come. Swahili proverb, Between two friends even water drunk together is sweet enough. The baby is not yet born, and yet you say that his nose is like his grandfather's. - Indian Proverb. African Proverb 1 Proverb Proverbs about Fathers Quotes related to Fathers by Power Quotations Togo Proverb, Hurry, hurry has no blessings. Kuria Proverb, One shares food not words. When you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes but the monkey remains., 42. Swahili proverb, Always being in a hurry does not prevent death, neither does going slowly prevent living.